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Lens shade for 1.4/35 ASPH

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What's wrong with it? I have both the current one (12588) and one that is marked for "1.4/35 and 2.8/28" (12587). The latter is similar but different shape :-) Seems to be a bit more "susbstantial." I don't need it, so if you want it, make me an offer. Bought new for $99.


// richard

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Hi Dave: I take strong exception to your reference to the plastic shade furnished as OEM with the Summilux 35mm-f.1.4 ASPH Leica lens. This shape is much more effective than the round design and it takes the knocks, etc. much better. Count your blessings ----. Regards, Bill
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Hi Bill:


Glad your shade has 'taken the knocks' - I am on my third! The shade itself is ok - quite nice, infact but the little plastic 'latches' don't take kindly to repeated removal and refitting - hence my rather disparaging comments. In my opinion, Leica could have done better - and indeed might have, if the shade had not been 'free' with the lens.


Don't take offence, I am a huge Leica fan - but I can recognise under-engineering when I see it!

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No complaints about the shade here. Dropped an M6 with 35/1.4 ASPH four feet on to a concrete slab several years ago. The shade took the initial impact. Damage: slightly scuffed lens shade, slight scuffing on a corner of the M6 and a badly out of whack rangefinder (not adjustable in the field). The same lens and shade are still my most-used combination, although I prefer no shade at all because of its intrusion into the viewfinder.
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The older (12587) shade that I mentioned have a better grip on the len. It has two push buttons that retract 4 little teeth. Better than the the current shade in that aspect for sure. I did not do any testing with dropping the lens/shade combo though :-)


// richard

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I too am surprised to hear criticism of the shade. Mine comes on & off constantly --

never a problem. Hmm: maybe I'm not using it as a hockey puck or something. Never

crossed my mind that it was under-engineered.

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>> I saw DAH shooting with his 35/1.4A without a shade <<


I saw him too in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, last year. No idea if he´s just too lazy to put on the shade or if he thinks the setup is less obtrusive this way.


His 35/1.4 showed _heavy_ wear; in fact it almost looked like a chrome lens as most of the black anodization was gone.





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"I wonder if anybody has actually had a "crappy plastic shade" break on them??"


Well I haven't had a such a shade break on me. I've got a pre-asph Summicron 35 with its #12524 hood. At some point in time I discovered that a previous owner/user tried to take it off the lens by pulling it instead of squeezing the two metal tabs on the side. The plasic is broken in four places where the four "teeth" grip the ridge of the lens. I didn't fix the old hood but I bought a replacement for when the old one got broken beyond repair.

It's now five or six years later and I still have a brand new #12524 hood in its box sitting in my camera bag for when that moment comes.

Crappy plastic lens hood? I don't think so!

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When I bought my new 35mm Summilux I must have eaten my spinach before, the

first time I removed the hood one of the lens release latched broke. I was a bit

distraught you could say, but the dealer replaced it and its been fine 5 years down the

road. But I would like a hood that didn't get in the finder view.

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