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CD-R error message: "Not responding"

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I scan in my negs, use Elements and burn to CDR.One of my discs

however is giving me trouble.I had a few images already on the disc

and this evening I was clearing my hard drive and put roughly 25

images (3-4 25mb)onto the disc. When I install it in the drive it

does not seem to spin- it takes a while for the window to open asking

what to do-it then takes about 5 mins to read and "show" the content

of the disc and then when I hover and click the mouse over any image

file there is no response.


I cannot open any image and I get the 'not responding'message and

have to close the windows.At all stages the disc never seems to spin

in the drive.I've opened and closed the disc door, restarted my

computer but to no avail.This disc was reading fine with the few

images on it but for some reason is now acting up.


My system is XP-Dell 1.7/256Ram/64 card.

Is my setup too pedestrian? My disc dirty-corrupted?Should one

collect and write just once to CDR?

All my other image discs are ok. Any ideas greatly appreciated.



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Although the CD-R format is ostensibly designed to support multiple write sessions

(assuming you set that option when you first write to the disc), I have also found that

it is far less stable than just burning straight. Since discs are only three for a buck or

so if you buy in bulk (slightly more expensive if you need higher speed versions) it's

worth burning in a single session even if it you only fill half a disc--that's the same

money as about 1 to 2 exposures of developed film. Don't let a money-saving

attempt make you leave things on your hard drive for forever without backing them

up :) (and don't ask me how I know that, sigh...)

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What I typically do instead of burning multiple sessions (a bad idea) is to stage files to be written to the CD-R in a folder. I make backup copies of this data on CD-RW with Direct CD or Nero's InCD. When I have a full CD's worth of data I write it to a CD-R and verify the files match. I then make several copies of that CD and store 2 at work and 2 at home. I try to use two different brands of CD-Rs for the backups, too.
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