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Apo Nikkor 240mm f/9 : real coverage and angle of view ?


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These lenses have alway been of narrow coverage. At least the recent versions are dialytes, like the Apo-Ronar and the Apo-Artar. Nikon specs the coverage as 46 degrees, 410 mm at 1:1. For distant subjects the image circle would be about 205 mm, which adequately covers 4x5.


Since there are a plethora of 240 mm lenses out there of various vintages that were supplied by the manufacturer in shutter, I don't see the sense of of custom machining to convert a barrel lens to shutter. It would probably be cheaper to buy a used lens already in shutter. Many of the alternatives have more coverage. The expense of custom machining to adapt a barrel lens to shutter makes more sense for really long focal lengths that are not available from the OEM in shutter.

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Amine: I agree entirely. For the expense of buying a shutter and the machining, and the aperture scale, I don't see that you gain any advantage over commonly available lenses like a G Claron 240. In fact, I am sure the 240 G Claron in a working shutter would be cheaper. Same speed, can cover 4X5, 5X7 and 8X10 too. Small and light, sharp.
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