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Which camera bags should I select in field photography - Lowepro Mini Trekker ot Lowepro Photo Trekker ?


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I have 2 SLR camera bodies (F100 and F90X) plus several additional

lens and a Manfrotto 190D tripod. I would like to have advice from the

owners and users who have experience with these two camera bags.

Thanks for your comments and advice.

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Well CL,

I have neither of these bags but instead bought the Lowepro Nature Trekker...today. I have long been umming and ah-ing over this question and in the end build quality and reliability as well as a known quantity in terms of great product and value for money cinched the deal for me. The Nature Trekker is absolutely incredible and when I got it home I immediately went over every slip and detail to ensure the fit and carriage of this pack were honed to my desired level of comfort and safety both for my posture and my equiptment.


There aren't too many packs out there that have this degree of pragmatic thought and subtle designer nuance put into them, specifically with the photographer in mind. I was blown away by the well placed use of straps, counterbalances and harnesses, the alowances for add ons as well as a tripod mount which can be mounted centre or to the side, and more. The modularity of this pack by Lowe is superb and when I stuck all my gear into it, which is Medium Format, Mamiya Rb Pro-S, lenses, flash, light meter, filters, film and tripod - I saddled myself up one heavy rig, but the Nature Trekker felt like a pack ought to... at last!


I'd say the best thing to do is go to your local retailer, I did this myself, take all your gear, load it into both the packs you like, adjust for comfort and have a plonk around the store to see how you like both packs. You will quickly know your capacity and requirements based on your experience and hopefully make a better choice for both yourself and your needs.


Good luck! Si

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Lowepro has a series of many different backpacks. I have the Mini Trekker, Nature Trekker and Photo Trekker AW and they are all good. I have three for different occasions.


However, it is unclear what those "several additional lens(es)" you have exactly are. For example, a 300mm/f2.8 is quite different from a 24mm/f2.8 in size and weight. I suggest that you bring your cameras and lenses to your local camera store and try it out. There is the issue whether your equipment will fit in the backpack and there is also the issue whether the backpack fully loaded is comfortable on you. I don't think we can determine those in Cyberspace.

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I have the Lowepro Mini Trekker and am ready to upgrade. Photography tends to be an acquiring hobby/job. It's always easier to have empty spots in a backpack but difficult to try an make room for more gear. Secondly a backpack's suspension system is important in making a backpack comfortable. The mini has NONE.


I like mine but it just gets too tiring on the shoulders. From the looks of things the Photo Trekker at least has a padded waist belt and adjustable shoulder suspension. I'm personally looking at the Lowepro Pro Trekker. Don't have a 500mm yet but at least I won't be kicking myself for getting a pack that is to small.

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I have both bags and they are both good choices. The big plus with the Mini comes in traveling on airplanes. It's a carry-on without any questions asked. It holds a lot more than it might look. and the back portion is roomy for extras like water, notepads, extra shirt and other accessories. The drawback for me was that you can't attach a tripod to it comfortably. I would always wind up carrying my tripod by hand and after ten mile hikes, it gets old. You can strap a tripod on but I never like the balance. Now the Photo Trekker is a workhorse because it has more room for more stuff plus it holds a tripod very comfortably and makes longer hiking days much more enjoyable. The one minor drawback I have found with the Photo Trekker is that the back pouches don't hold as much stuff when the tripod is positioned straight down the middle of the pack - a minor quibble but one nonetheless..,
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I have the Lowe-Pro Classic Trekker one of the largest of these backpacks (volume wise) and My ONLY complaint with it has to do with it's volume. Once I get it full I can barely lift it LOL. I have no problem stuffing it with enough camera gear for a expidition to the ends of the earth! But when I want to mix lunch, extra clothes, a Bird Id book or any other thing including a climbing rope and a LARGE tripod it has a place to put it or attach it. THIS I LIKE.


I also have a medium size backpack sold by Canon the 200EG and I use it when sanity takes hold and I only pack what I really need for the outing. These sell on ebay regularly for under $50.00 and while not up to the Lowe-Pro quality it fits a nice nitch in my Bage collection.

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Get the biggest Lowepro bag you can afford. Then leave most of the camera gear at home, taking only the minimum you need. Use the rest of the space for your lunch, a sweater, etc.


I have the Super Trekker AW. It holds so much stuff that, like Mark, I can barely lift it and certainly I don't want to carry it very far. On the plus side, I can get my 4x5 Calumet monorail camera plus accessories into it.

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I currently own the Orion Trekker and the Photo Trekker. I used to own the Nature Trekker but I outgrew it -- I actually ended up busting a zipper, and when I took it back to the store I gave them $40 and upgraded to the Photo Trekker.


Take your gear down to a store that has both on the floor, and pack it. If all your gear fits in the Mini Trekker, well and good, but you should be sure that your bag accomodates growth -- not jusat the system you have today, but the one you have next week after you happen to find that perfect lens or accessory for a song at a yard sale.


Also, don't forget about attachments. When I say all my gear fits in the Photo Trekker, I mean it fits in the bag, plus the LowePro accessory daypack that's attached to the front, plus the padded 300mm lens case I have lashed to the side. LowePro backpacks all have external lashing and attachment points that allow for some expansion, but there's a limit to how much you really want to cram onto the outside of your bag.


Hope this helps.

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Do you have a store you can try one on at? As for the quality of the pack, I doubt you'll be disspointed. What you need to consider is if the pack is going to be comfortable on you. I have the Nature Trekker and it's a little too small to fit properly for me (I'm 6'). I bought it off ebay without ever trying on one. They are pretty adjustable to get the hipbelt where it should be and shoulder straps where they should be... but it just doesn't feel right in the end. Plus it squeeks quite a bit while hiking! So don't forget about the comfort of the bag when choosing one and that's pretty dependent on you.
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Think of the Mini Trekker as a great camera bag with straps, but a lousy backpack. It has no suspension, virtually no padding on the shoulder straps and the waist belt is useless as it also has no padding and won't ride on your waist (bag is too short). I love mine, but I was only looking for a camera bag that was carry on size for the airlines. If you are looking for a good backpack, look at one of the bigger ones. Buying a backpack is like buying shoes, so the only way you're going to be able to tell if it's comfortable or not is to take all of your stuff to a camera store, load it up and walk around. Some are good for people with short frames but lousy for others.
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