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Question regarding old-type Hasselblad back


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I have just received an old Hasselblad back (non automatic) and I

have few questions prior to test it with film.


1. I was expecting that the little window in the back of the shell

(the one to see when one has reached the frame 1) to have a red

filter, but my back comes only with the hole. No red filter. Is this

normal? Can it fog the film?


2. How do you restore the counter?


Thanks in advance for your help



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The hole is used to view the first frame number. There is no red filter. 120 film has the paper backing throughout the whole roll so it should occlude any light that may come in throught the edges of the round cover. Once you have wound the film to one, turn back counterclockwise (it will stop at about an eight of the way back) and the counter should pop back to 1. Make sure the film is run under the tab of the insert.
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