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Toyo 45CF

jamie drouin

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The more I see photos of the new(ish) Toyo 45CF the more I like its

modern, descrete materials and design. The weight is also perfect for

travel. I have not come across much recent discussion of this camera

and wondered if people have had a chance to live with one for a while?<br>


I would also like input on an 80-105mm lens which would fit on the

Toyo when folded, and cost under $500 (if such a lens exists).<br>


Best regards, Jamie<br>


jamie drouin : photographs<br>

<a href="http://www.jamiedrouin.com">http://www.jamiedrouin.com</a><br>

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Many thanks, Kevin. The search engine missed this thread.<br>


Looks like I'm back to the wooden cameras, either the Tachihara or Shen-Hao. Any idea if a lens will fold up with either or these cameras? I'm trying my best to fit everything (minus tripod) in a Billingham side-bag, and with as little weight/bulk as possible.<br>


Best, Jamie.<br>


jamie drouin : photographs<br>

<a href="http://www.jamiedrouin.com">http://www.jamiedrouin.com</a><br>

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Jamie: I've never seen a Shen-Hao in person but obviously many people on this forum like them and believe they are a good value. You can do quite a bit with the Tachihara and it is light and compact, the drawback is relatively short bellows. Doesn't sound like that would be a problem for what you have in mind. The Tachihara ground glass/fresnel is particularly nice for a lower priced camera. There are many lenses for less than $500 which are small and in the focal length you're asking about. I have several and will check to see if they will fold up in the camera unless someone who knows the answer off hand chimes in. The 3 1/2" coated Wollensak would do it with some room for movement. The later model 90mm angulons can be very sharp but with almost no room for movements. If lens that small won't fold then nothing will.
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I bought the 45CF a month ago and am enjoying using it in the Oregon rain. It's easy to setup and I've not had any problems. My only disappointment is that the NIKON 90mmSW lens I aslo bought does not fit in the camera when folded. Other lens will fit.


There are other threads with users who are also enjoying the 45CF. I suggest you go and see the camera to make your own decision.





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Hi Jamie,


Enjoy your work, BTW. My Wista DX folds nicely with a nikkor (nikon, whatever) 150 f5.6. You just turn the board around and fold it up. The only complaint I've ever had with the Wista is the lack of bellows draw (or interchangeable bellows). But for 150 to 90 should be fine. The Wista is a very well made camera.



Steve Rowell

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The price ain't bad, either. But, have you examined one of these cameras up close?


I have, and while I was intrigued by some of the things you mention, Toyo will have to improve it a bit before I would purchase. For example, the bellows wouldn't fold properly into the camera without having the manipulate the pleats (a lot) to get them to stack.

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Like Jamie I am curious to hear from some actual users. In reviewing previous threads there appear to be lots of folks who have looked at the camera and not bought it for a variety of reasons. The few comments posted by actual users seem to be quite positive. I would love to hear from some more folks, especially anyone who has owned one long enough to comment intelligently on some of the casual comments relating to questionable metal to plastic joint construction. There were also a couple of early posts relating to problem units that were returned to the manufacturer (as opposed to the dealer). It would be interesting to hear how MAC dealt with them. Thanks



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Jamie: Unless you are specifically looking for movements, have you thought about a Crown Graphic? It will handle many smaller wide angles with ease, even a modern 135 mm plasmat will fold up inside. It does have front rise, and there are recommendations for turning something around on the front standard to give you front tilt. If you main interest is the wide angles, then you can live without many movements and have a sturdy box which sets up fast. Just a thought. The Crown is a bit thinner and lighter than a Speed which I why I suggested it.
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While I've not had my 45CF for long, I can tell you that I think it is well made. This is my first 4x5, and I'm impressed with it. There have been some negative comments about the clips on the back (that allow you to rotate the film). To me, these clips are not flimsy. They are over-engineered by any means, but they seem adeqaute for the job.



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I'm more of a monorail user myself, but I bought one a few months ago to use in place of my aging Pacemaker Graphic...So far I've only used it with a 150mm lens, but it seems like a decent enough, lightweight camera...the only critiscm I have really is that the tripod mount is one the front cover--unlike a graphic--so there's some play to the rear when loading holders etc.--No big deal, it seems to go back in place--just a little disconcerting. But it's lightweight, cheap and has enough movements to be useful beyond a Graphic. My big project for it is going to be in doing field documentation of gravestones, so I'll give it a good workout in a couple of months. BTW--I had that problem with the pleats when I first looked at the camera , but if you get the front standard set right, the thing folds up easily. I bought it for a camera I could use & abuse, and not feel bad about and I think it's gonna work out fine...
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