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Yashica D Information


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I recently purchased a Yashica D at a flea market. Are there any

manuals, books, etc. available for this camera? As you have

probably already surmised, I am new to Medium Format. Any

information you can provide would be appreciated.

Joann Wells

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  • 6 months later...

Yashica D is physically similar to Rolleiflex. Browse http://www.vestdata.no/~taase/Rollei.html for Rolleiflex users manual etc. This will give you the basic principles. I have a Yashica 635 which is much like your "D". Great camera!!

Lens test data reported by users in the medium format digest indicates sharpest resolution is obtained when lens is stopped down to f8 or f11. However, many artists use the unique qualities of their camera, rather than always striving for max resolution. Your call. You can still get remarkable images at wider apertures on that large negative -- in my view technique and talent are more important than the lens characteristics or any hardware for that matter...Dave

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  • 1 year later...

I have owned 2 YashicaMat 124G's. I currently own (and use) a

Yashica D. I am MUCH more impressed with the optics of the D (Yashikor lens) than with either of the 124G's (Yashinon lens).

I believe that most people think that newer is better. I think this is a case to prove them wrong. No, I don't know the design differences between the two lenses, but there is a difference. I am glad I gave a try to the "older" Yashica. I would be happy to send a Velvia chrome from this camera to any doubting Thomas!

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I've had a "D" for years. I also use a Pentax 67 and a Mamiya C330 (as well as 35 mm), but for medium format, the "D" gets the most use. Why? It's smaller, lighter, image quality is very good, i don't have to worry about mirror or shutter vibration when hand-holding, and, when hiking or skiing in the Adirondacks or the Canadian Rockies, I don't need to worry about batteries and I won't have to take out a loan to replace it in case of an accident. My only regret is that it isn't made any more, although I hear the Chinese made Seagull may be close - anyone know anything about these??
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