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Medium Format (6x17) Scanning Problems


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I have just purchased the new Epson 3200 Photo scanner, mainly for

scanning 6x17 transparancies (mainly velvia). Unfortunately, no 6x17

scan plate is included in the bundle and therefore I was forced to

create my own. I have copied the overall size of the other scan

plates and have created a reasonable window that holds the negs about

3-4mm off the glass. However I am having mixed results to say the

least. The scans are not as clear as they should be, and most

histograms are off the scale at mainly the dark end. Using their scan

plates for 35mm (Velvia)the scans are fine.


My question is, should I buy a professionally built scan plate from

Diaframe in Germany, or is there something else I can try?

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I don't have the 3200, I have the 2450 model, but my tests indicated that the optimum negative height off the glass for best focus on my unit was about .050" or just a smidge over 1mm. By 3-4mm off the glass, I saw significant deterioration of the resolution.



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My experience scanning 6 X 9 Astia and Provia was that the 3200 could not put out enough light to produce a decent scan. The histograms were crushed at the dark end. In this review




Vincent Oliver notices the same problem. I also found that all of the scans were quite soft at 3200 dpi.



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You might want to take a look at this technical review of the 3200. It gives a good graph showing the scanner's depth resolution which would give you an idea of where your film needs to be placed (look at the graphs toward the bottom of the review). From the review. "The depth resolution for scanner's window's center is 24 mm. The depth resolution for scanner's window's edge is 14 mm (minimal)."





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>>My experience scanning 6 X 9 Astia and Provia was that the 3200 could not put out enough light to produce a decent scan. <<


Have you tried Vuescan with your scanner while activating the "long exposure pass" option? Just a thought. I have not had the chance to test it yet but it might help you get deeper into the shadows if that is where you are having a problem.



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