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which newsletter for locations


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I am looking for sources of information on scenic (landscape) locations which are new to me. I'd like to know how Robert Hitchman's "Photograph America" newletter compares to the Photo Traveler publications. So far I have used guides published by the former

because I thought that since they were compiled from the research of

many photographers they were more likely to be complete than a

one man's work. I have found them useful, even though the quality

is quite variable. Does anyone have experience with both publications?

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I don't have any experience with the "Photograph America" newsletter, nor, actually, with the Photo Traveller newsletter. I have, however, purchased two of the Photo Traveler guidebooks and found them aimed more at the beginner/family/P&S level than most of Photo.Net's audience seems to be. Numerous reminders to use a tripod, shoot in the early morning/late evening, etc. Most of the information is basic location descriptions, which I'm confident that you could do better scouting yourself.




In fairness, both of the locations which I got guides for (Southern Utah and Colorado) I already had ideas for what and where I wanted to shoot. The newsletter is probably better for suggesting general areas to fantasize about, so my commentary might not be relevant.

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Hitchman's guides cover a single area while each Photo Traveler newsletter covers several, usually unrelated subjects. Both publications can be helpful, especially for a first time visitor. The risk can be the temptation to rush from site to site as described in the guides without "seeing" in your own way.
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