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Leica R 8 Bugs

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Dear Forum Members,

first a "hello" to all the people here as i am a new user to this forum!


My first question here is:

I just bought a Leica R 8 (black), used but only for 2 films (as new) for a good price.

But I read about some Bugs concerning early production numbers.

So what have I to be aware of? The serial number starts with 229####.

Thanks for any responses!



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Thanks for leading me there. Sounds like: No winder > no problems. OK, that's cool. I

can live with that.

When I need fast shooting for series or just snapshots I still have my Minolta 7000i

still giving great performance in that respect. The Leica will be for different situations.


Any other comments?


BTW, excuse any glitches in my english. ;)

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My R8 of around same serial after 3 rolls developed a problem in it's

shutter speed dial. In that I could only set speed from 1/30 to 1/500

correctly on other speeds it would set a different speed then selected

I git it fixed under warranty. For R8 atleast in UK Leica extended passport or warranty to 5 years from normal 2.

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Another thing to remember Markus is that electical problems have a habit of showing up fairly quickly. If the camera is this old, and has seen any use at all to speak of, in all likelyhood is doesn't have any problems or they have already been fixed. Things like a disintigrating plastic roller would, however be another matter.
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Dear Markus,

congratulations for the purchase.

I bought the R8 in 1997 - one of the first series 229##.

During time it developed a few problems - something (lever) loose hanging inside viewfinder, PC flash connector stopped triggering external (studio) flash, problems with film transport yelding to camera back exchange, the whole camera stuck dead with the mirror-up during shooting. At the end I got it exchanged by Leica for a new body after 3 years.

I was very satisfied with Leica service center services though. Everything fixed quite promptly and - due to 5 year warranty - free of charge.

I know that the list of problems is pretty long but I used the camera quite extensively and traveled with it a lot.

Personally I would suggest the PC contact flash triggering function and the winder connection as well. (I actually like the winder quite a lot and it balances the camera body nicely. I bought a second one instantly while purchasing my R9 :) (Another story there))


happy shooting



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Dear Jiri and others,

i see the list gets longer..... ;)


I don't have a flash for the camera yet, so testing this will be possible later.


> the whole camera stuck dead with the mirror-up during shooting


that sounds pretty worrying...


> something (lever) loose hanging inside viewfinder


I dont't really understand what that means. :?

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... sorry, my ability to express myself properly in english is somehow limited.

Regarding the loose thing in the viewfinder, I just noticed one day something like a strange shade in my view when taking pictures. When I looked at the viewfinder I found something like a small lever which appearently went loose inside the viewfinder mechanism and was blocking the view slightly.

The camera went to repair center and got fixed in a week or so.

I think that it's worth to mention that Leica was appearently doing upgrades of some parts during the fixes even when the original parts were not necessarily faulty (e.g. motor winder contacts upgrade).




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the design of film plate which holds the film flat against the film window is completely new in R9 although the rollers and the plastic piece which were reported to cause scratches look the same like on my R8.

I have never experienced film scratching caused by reasons mentioned above. (With lot more than 150 films through my R8).

Can't comment on the R9 yet:)




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I had an R8 in which the aperture control ring was sticking. The effect of this was, the lens did not stop down consistenly to the taking aperture when the shutter was released. I wondered, at first, if it could be a problem with the lens; however, since it happened with all six of my R lenses, I concluded that the fault must be in the camera. I understand, from members of this forum and other Leica sites, that this purely mechanical problem was fairly common with R8s. The dealer who sold it to me in Indonesia agreed to send it to Hong Kong for repair but it came back in the same condition, so I got rid of it.
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Hi. Got my R8 last autumn and experienced the following problem: The display on the "backdoor" does not always work. I cannot figure out why this happens sometimes - and what helps against it. In some cases, switching the camera off and on again fixes it for the moment. But not always. Then, after a while it just works again. It's not really a big problem, as the counter still works in the viewer. But for changing ASA, it is a bit annoying sometimes. Any one else experiences the same problem?

There has been much talking about film scratches. So far I have shot about 100 rolls and there are no visile scratches on slides. Projection is fine. But when I scan my slides with a really good resolution like 300dpi, there are fine scratches that can be clearly seen at this resolution on the monitor. Is this quite normal or is this what you are talking about?

Thank you. Boris

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on this note: i think mine might have locked up on me temporarily on saturday night when i was shooting a rave.. it was hard to tell what was happening because of all the noise.. maybe i just turned the dial to off because 10 minutes later it was working fine. i like you have an early model.. one of the first 600 made. but it's been problem free other than that. it's third hand and i think the first owner might have got it serviced because the second owner (the guy i bought it from) showed me that it worked perfectly with his winder.
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