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New Arca Swiss underwater view camera (5x4 W)


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April Fool's!





Sorry, I couldn't resist. My apologies also to international users

who might not know that today in the day in the US when we play tricks

on each other.





So, to keep this thread from being a complete waste, why not add your

own April Fool's headline? By the way, my runner-up headline was, "LF

or digital P&S for first wedding assignment?".





I hope you all have a great day.

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New 450 roll film format from Fuji. To coincide with the release of the new Velvia 100F in all formats Fuji are to release a new film format - the 450 roll film. A new RFH will also be available to hold the new film. The film is basically the daddy of 120. Just over 4 inches wide and 10 feet long the film will handle just like 120 and shoot 20 shots per roll. A 4x10 RFH is expected early in 2004 for shooters of ULF panaramics. Prices not yet available but expected to be somewhere in the region of astronomical. Rumours of an 810 roll film have been denied by Fuji, "Now, that would be silly", a rep was heard to say.
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Great responses thus far. Here are a few more:


All future buildings to be built wider towards the top to prevent converging verticals when photographed.


Canon announces entry into large format with auto-focus, auto-tilt, auto-rise, auto-shift, and auto-swing view camera. Cost: $499 with 65-300mm zoom.


Discovery at Ansel Adams' lab: all photos originally taken with Kodak Brownie.


NASA discovers two additional zones, world economy revived as billions buy new spot meters.


Leica owners formally admit superiority of Canon and Nikon. Also reveal that they have never actually used their cameras, but just taken them out of the box a few times to admire them.


And my favorite: Photographers run out of questions at Photo.net.

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I don't know how many of you have older, leather covered cameras, but I thought I'd pass this on. Macro-Tools, Inc. now sells a cream called ZBR that is supposed to remove those dreaded "Zeiss Bumps" that form under the leather on Speed Graphics, Zeiss plate cameras, Kodak Recomars and the like. The beauty of this product is that now, instead of removing the leather, sanding down the metal, and regluing, just apply the cream to the leather directly where the bumps are, and the are removed overnight while you sleep. This has got to be the best invention since Hypo-Check.
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I used to think that photographers had no sense of humour.


Now I *know* that photographers have no sense of humour.



FWIW, I have one of the Arca underwater ballheads. A very nice

piece of kit. They are sold under the 'Orca Swiss' brand name

here in Europe.

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