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Nikon Wednesday, 10 April 2024


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Note: Consider keeping uploads no larger than 1600 pixels on the long side when it matters, and sticking with 1000 pixels when the image feels no pain at that resolution. On data size/compression, try to keep things under 1mb, shooting for 600kb when you can stop there. Note that this includes photos hosted off-site (at Flickr, Photobucket, your own site, etc.). New to this thread? The general guidelines for these Wednesday threads are right here: https://www.photo.net/forums/topic/398109-guidelines-for-nikon-forum-wednesday-image-threads. For now, we're sticking with 1, 2, or 3 images per week as you see fit.


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2 hours ago, mike_halliwell said:


And, err, what is it?

That is a Galapagos hawk in Santiago Island (in Ecuador). I initially saw the hawk on a tree, and I posted an image to Monday in Nature: https://www.photo.net/forums/topic/551850-monday-in-nature-15-april-2024

It turns out that the hawk is banded on both legs, which would make it a questionable/inappropriate image for Monday in Nature. They use strong metal bands on hawks or they could have removed them with their beak. Initially I thought it was a tiny tracking device (which they occasionally use on birds) until I looked at that image enlarged.


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