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Sites of interest near Cincinnati?


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Leonard, the Cincinatti area has some scenic hillside areas along the Ohio River, East, and West of the city. Paddle wheel river boats and scenic old bridges in the downtown area. Most of the interesting scenery is along the river, on both sides. Except for my ex-wife. She lives somewhere in Cincinatti, and she's quite a sight.
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Well, it's Ohio after all. There IS one more boring state in the union. Kansas. Born there, left, never went back.


Serriously though, unfortuneately spring has not yet sprung that far north, as you poor Chicagoans so intimately know, and the beauty of winter is long gone. You might get out in the hilly countryside and hope for a thunderstorm. In a couple weeks or so the blooming fruit trees and new grass could be nice in a pastoral sort of way but not right now I wouldn't think.


If you could get into some street stuff Cincinnati is a fairly historic place. http://www.cincinnati.com/

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Chillicothe, near Cincinnati. There are Indian mounds (interesting but not a lot of LF opportunities) AND the home of the first Governor of Ohio (I think the place was called Adena, but I could be wrong). The buildings are impressive; the interiors are stunning (I think you can do LF inside, but you may want to call ahead), and there are some magnificent landscape views.


Go to www.state.oh.us for links to tourist information.

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Leonard- Near the Conservatory ( a huge indoor garden ), are

some remains of a viaduct system. Very photogenic. Also, the

old Union station. Look towards the West for a huge Art Deco

table-top radio. That's the station, now turned into a museum.

Wonderful architecture. Scenically, on the KY side of the river,

there's a place called Devou Park. Parts of it overlook Cincy and

the river's bridges. It's spectacular at night. In that area of Park

Hills, you'll also find stately old homes of stone and slate.

There's an eyeful there. Good shooting.

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http://www.ripleycountytourism.com/seedo.asp?see=nmlra <p>

I don't know how flexible your schedule is Leonard... But If you are interested in trying some 'historic portraits' at a mountain-man rendezvous this website will lead you to one of the best gatherings in the country. The people work hard at keeping things authentic, and they enjoy cooperating with photographers in order to promote their interest. The craftsmen are amazing, and take extra cash for the flea market. <p>

It's located in the hills about 25 miles west of Cinci & I don't think you would be disappointed.

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Mark...re the Air Force Museum... things at the museum are generally relaxed under normal conditions... but there is a higher degree of security in effect and you would do well to call if planning a trip in the near future. If you do go be sure to check out the Wright Brothers Memorial overlooking the pasture where the Wright Brothers fine-tuned the 'art of flight'. Worth the trip if you don't take any pictures. <p>
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