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In search of 8 X 20


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I am searching for an afforable 8X20 camera in any condition and

would consider any other ULF banquet camera but really want the

panoramic type. Cannot not pay the high prices at ebay but have

Medium format equipment that I could trade. Any help would be



Butch Ruth

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I met a professional photographer recently that lived near me here in Colorado that did something that I felt was extremely creative with arriving at the 8x20 format. Because of the costs of the 8x20 camera, film holders and the limited film selection (he shot color negative sheet film) and the weight associated with this set up, he found a way to have his cake and eat it as well.


With his 8x10 camera he took a shot and then rotated the camera to either direction for the next "slice" of the image and took another and took the two negatives to a digital services lab that took these two 8x10 negs and melded them into a master 8x20 file that he printed from. I took out my loup on his prints to see if I could see the seam where the two negatives were put together and I could not see anything but wonderful imagery. He had a couple that he had printed to about the five to 6 feet width and they looked incredible.


When I asked him how he arrived at this workable solution he told me that he at one time did have an 8x20 camera and got so frustrated with the weight, costs of the custom ordered film (he is a color photographer) that he sold the equipment. Since he loved the proportions he needed a way to get there by some other means. The lab convenced him to let them show him what they could do with technology and he has not looked back.


Just though I would throw in my two cents. Good Luck!

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