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Nikon F100 user - thiinking of buying D100 as well!


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Thanks Duncan


I am pretty set on getting the D100. Found it for £1499 including the MB-D100 grip thrown in!!

I will obvioulsy be buying a memory card but do I need one straight away or could I wait?


Finally, I assume the quality will exceed what I will be using it for, possibly some A3 prints? This model is about a year old now so is it still one of the best for the money?



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you should get a CF card directly. You'll probably find you'll shoot more frames with the digital than you did with analogue and if you shoot RAW files you'll use up alot of space quickly. Get at least a 512 mb card. I use 1 Gigb Lexars and find them very fast and reliable. Sandisk are reliable too, in my experience.


Quality-wise, yes, it should do the job. Just remember that with digital, some processing work is required to get the most out of each image so practice your Photoshop technique:-)


Bests, Duncan

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Just a personal point of view: I have an F100 and looked what the D100 looks like in a short try (in my hands), just by curiosity.


It doesn't look like as solid as the F100. I have more pleasure shooting with the F100, which feels very comfortable. The D100 looks "cheap" compared to the F100. Also, the viewfinder is not so comfortable than the F100's (I wear glasses), and smallest, due to the 1.5x factor (but this is normal for DSLRs...).


Of course, the D100 is based on the F80 (N80) body, so ...

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The D100 is basically all N80 internally including the AF and metering modules. http://www.bythom.com/D100.htm


I'd wait on the D100 just a little longer. With the introduction of the Canon 10D Nikon is making big price adjustments. Its $500 less now in Canada but not yet in the USA. I don't know about the UK but 1500 quid sounds like robbery compared to the price in Canada! $2749 CND at Visitek = 1200 pounds sterling.

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It has just gone down by about £250 in the uk as well from £1750 to £1500 plus they throw in the MB-D100 grip for nothing which i think retails at about £200 separetely. I am OK with the deal I got.


We get charged way OTT for most things in the UK!


I have ordered it now anyway and for my level of use it will be more than adequate!


Thanks anyway



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While I'm not necessarily saying this is the best path, it is what I think I'm going to do. I currently use an F5 and a nikkormat FT3. I'm not ready to give up on either, as I still think film is better than digital, at this point. My digital frame of reference is my Wife's Sony DCS-717 (5 megapixel)w/Zeiss zoom.


What I am going to do is buy a film scanner and the best photo printer I can find, and start with film originals and convert them to digital through the scanning process. I hear from a lot of "experts" that right now this produces the best digital files.


Just my opinion, and it may not be the best for everyone.


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Keith -- Always great when you've already ordered, then someone tells you to

wait, eh?


I have an F100 and got the D100 shortly after it came out last summer. I'd say I

use the D100 at least five times as often as the F100 anymore. Super A3

prints from the D100 using an Epson 1280 (I think it's the 1290 for you) look

fantastic -- and better, IMHO, than 4000 ppi scans of Velvia slides because

film still has grain.


And don't worry about what you paid. Digital cameras are like computers --

there's always a better, cheaper one waiting around the corner. But when you

buy NOW, you get to use it NOW -- and who can put a price on that?

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Thanks Guys! Got the camera on Saturday and used it all weekend. Will be doing some printing tomorrow and will use the work printer to see how good the images are!!


Good to hear that the A3 prints are good cos I will hopefully be hanging some of my better shots on the walls!!!


I am still going to be using my F100 a lot as i am curretntly on a City and Guilds course and have to use film cameras!! Will keep both as well cos they are just great looking gadgets!!!


And I have both NOW, and you're right, you can't put a price on that!!



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