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My Epson V850 just let me down


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Hi JPDupre

I have an Epson V800 and no problems so far yet all devices are subject for needed repair/maintenance.  I am not looking forward to having to do that myself yet I also figure it is better to "acknowledge reality" and move on to know solutions.

That primarily would be giving the problem to experts for repair or based on repair costs the purchase of a new/different scanner.

Not sure about Epson's cost for repair yet another resource (which I have not used) that works on scanners (including Epson V series) is:


I am skeptical of doing repairs on my own even with online instructions on how to dismantle the V800/V850.  It appears to be something with the mechanism that shifts the focus point between reflective vs transparency (transparency being 2 to 3 mm above the glass surface when it is working).

Hope this information is of some help.

John Wheeler

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Sounds like the top portion and camera.  There are two cameras in the V850.  One that captures prints and used for large negatives on the glass.  The other camera lens is more accurate to scan film in the film holders.  You could try putting the film on the glass platen and try scanning.  It won't be as detailed but should be better.  It sounds like a repair is required.

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There are no 'cameras' in the scanner; ignore this silliness.

Yes, you very likely need to clean the sensors and the glass etc; not a big issue and easy to do. Here's one of many video's, in this case covering the V700:


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Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management" (pluralsight.com)

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When amplified with a curves adjustment Layer and ignoring the JPEG artifacts it appears that this is a complete vertical section of green to cyan coloring.It just appears that the red illumination from the RBG LED illumination is very slightly weak (e.g. 251-254 on the reds instead of 255)

I am not sure how much uniformity is expected from the V850 or how it behaves when aged.  Also, this does not seem to be related to having an image blurred on transparency mode and not on reflective mode.

So I doubt this is a root cause issue with your original issue.

Just my opinion of course.

John Wheeler


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On 11/11/2022 at 11:16 PM, JPDupre said:

My Epson scanner V850 Pro just let me down.


Opaque documents are OK, but scans of transparencies and negatives are blurred, out of focus.


I bought it in 2015, so it is no more on warranty.


Any idea?


Please excuse if this is obvious and you already tried it…the height-adjusting sliders on the corners of the carriers…do they make any difference?

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@antonroland: no I did not, mainly because the out of focus was really abnormal, while the height-adjusting sliders are very subtle.

Finally, after someone from an authorized service centre told me it might be the “optical engine” and that it cost 800$ plus transportation and labour, I decided to buy me another one, and I had the luck to find an Epson refurbished.

The one that broke down was bought in 2015.



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