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Polariser & Warm up filters


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I have a 77mm Heliopan circular polariser for a Pentax 67 50-100mm

lens. I would also like to use my Lee filters, 81A,B etc with the pol

but this isn't possible with the usual Lee ring holders without



Using a Lee 100mm close fit holder it's just possible to clip the

holder on the front of the polariser and place an 81A in the first

slot....I've just done a test to see if can get away with the

vignetting (polariser on it's own is OK) using this combination but

it will be a couple of days before I get the film back.


However I seem to remember reading somewhere that you shouldn't place

a filter "in front" of a polariser...is this true.


Any advice appreciated.


Trevor Smithers

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Well, its good to know that filters in front of a polariser don't cause problems.


Im aware that I could get a combination filter but having recently purchased a rather expensive Heliopan circular polariser (#150) I did'nt really want to go and get another one, especially as I already have some Lee filters.



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