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Post-processing challeng July 16 2022

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As always, there are no rules as to how you apply your post-processing to this image; but, please let us know what you have done so we can all learn. If you would like to post a candidate image next week, please ensure it is of sufficiently high resolution for manipulation by the participants (3000px on the long side, 300dpi for example).


Most of all, let's have fun while we are learning or demonstrating how we use our post-processing software, imaginations and interpretations.


Taken earlier in the week with low light and ISO 10.000 (without any adjustments)





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Haha, no this was just at an event that I took photos of earlier last week. I was there as an 'official' amateur photographer at an (official) event that celebrates the fact that some 100+ ex-refugees (all with a residency status) have successfully completed their 2-year 'integration period': learning the Dutch language, learning about Dutch society and completing an exam. I keep saying that the organizers should hire a professional photographer and they keep saying that they can't afford one and that they like my photos anyway.


There's a fairly 'fixed format' for these events: introductions, music, and then participants are individually congratulated and then sign an agreement in which they promise to continue their studies, look for jobs en generally contribute to Dutch Society. This photo was one of the 'music' photos in which a dancer joined in with the music.


I won't publish any other photos but - for me - it's always a real delight to see (and photograph) the joyous faces of ex-refugees from usually horrific backgrounds who have finally and truly been accepted into their new and safe city of residence. And can - after many years - begin to start a new life.


FWIW, I've worked closely with - and interviewed - a number of ex-refugees. Their backstories are horrific! It always amazes me that the people I've met are so highly motivated and dedicated to building their new lives in NL. And how many well-educated people in highly respected jobs were forced to flee their countries (and give up everything!) due to war. Forgive this rant but so many negative stories about refugees are in the news these days.,



Mike-- Were you trying to recreate the iconic Marilyn Monroe photo?
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