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Nikkor-O 2.1cm f/4 article/fix (not safe for home tinkering)


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I put this here because I think it deserves a wider audience than Nikonistas alone.


But it is, to paraphrase "Jay" in the original Men in Black, truly some weird sh*t.


LINK Nikkor-O 2.1cm f/4


The author repeatedly emphasizes "do not try this at home", a problem for which few are likely to have the opportunity.


But for me, as a jackdaw, it is a shiny bauble.:rolleyes:

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And that's why we will probably never see those much anticipated symmetrical and non-retrofocus wide angle lenses for Nikon Z mount cameras. Nor for any other MILC for that matter.


Big - yes, heavy - yes, but I'll take Nikon's 14 - 24mm f/2.8 AF zoom over that collection of old bottle-bottoms any day. And get 1.5 times the width of subject in the frame.

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