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Mamiya 6x8 120/220 Power Drive Magazine


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Does anyone own a Mamiya 6x8 120/220 Power Drive Magazine?


I purchased one used, and I did not receive an instruction manual

with it. You would think a film magazine would be fairly simple to

operate, but I cannot determine how to work it without film in the



I am not even certain that the Mamiya 6x8 120/220 Power Drive

Magazine is compatible with the Mamiya RB67 PRO S. I may need to the

Mamiya RB67 PRO SD.


At any rate, I cannot figure out how to get the thing to work.

Mamiya does not have a download for the instruction manual on their

Web Site. If anyone can help, I would greatly appreciate it!

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I have the 6x7 Power back. So, I may be able to help. But, you really haven't told us what point you are failing. Where you able to load film in the back? Are there fresh batteries in the back? Have you mounted it your Pro S body? I don't think that you need an SD body.


BTW: Mamiya may not have a downloadable manual on their website, but they do have a very good users forum that is monitored by mamiya personel. You can post their as well.

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