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Strange problem with Hasselblad 205FCC


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I bought a brand new Hassy 205 two years ago and I�ve been using it

in the Z mode without any problem. Today I have tried to shoot some

photographs using the M mode and when I set the shutter speed ring at

1/1000 and pushed the release button, I knew that something was wrong

because it didn�t *sound* like 1/1000, but much slower. :-( Same

thing happened with other speeds. I turned the ring down through the

whole scale while I watched the display and discovered that 1/2000

was OK, but then it changed to 1/6, 1/6, 1/8, 1/10 and 1/15 (instead

of 1/1500, 1/1000, 1/750, 1/500 and 1/300). At 1/250 and slower

speeds everything was right again. I have been very very careful with

the camera (I mean, no rough use), so I think this problem may have

existed just from the beginning. Although I am not too much worried

about it because the camera works fine in the Z mode, can anyone tell

me if it is an expensive repair?


Thanks in advance for your help. Un saludo desde Salamanca (España).

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Good point, Robert, but I have changed the battery and the problem is still the same. After trying different speeds once and again, it�s clear that the connection between the shutter speed ring and the body itself is faulty. As I said previously, the display shows 1/8 instead of 1/750. But if I push slightly the ring clockwise without moving it, then the display shows the correct speed. When I stop pushing, 1/8 comes back.


I�m afraid I will have to bite the bullet and send it to Madrid for a CLA.

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