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Ilford Readyloads?


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With both The Yellow Peril and Fuji offering pre-loaded film, anyone

think a letter writing campaign to Ilford can pursuade them to cut a

deal with Fuji to make Ilford films available in 4x5 quickload

packets? For some it would be nice to have the option with Ilfords

films in the field.

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I've begged Kodak, all the way up the managment chain to Carp, for a high speed film in readyloads, preferable Tri-X. They haven't dignified any of my requests with a response of any kind, much less a denial. A real customer driven company, that. But that's OK - loyalty is a two way street.


Fuji is next on my list. I would love Neopan 400 in quickloads - I would ditch my Kodak holder on eBay in a second, and Kodak would loose all my color film business as well.


If Fuji doesn't want to make Neopan in sheets, or put it in quickloads, I see nothing wrong with partnering with Ilford to put HP5+ in quickloads. Delta 400 would be better, especially if Ilford would make it available *only* in quickloads since it is not currently available in sheets. HP5+ or Delta 400 in quickloads sounds like a win-win for Fuji/Ilford to me. And I would surely put my money where my mouth is, for a high speed B&W film. Damn straight.

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I did get a reply from Kodak about a year ago about the readyloads. I was concerned about possible discontinuation of B/W readyloads altogether. I suggested tri-x as the B/W readyload film but the reply assured me that "Kodak was committed to B/W sheet film" but the readyloads were only to be with TMX. If Ilford comes out with a readyload for HP5 or FP4 I'm there...likewise for Kodak with Tri-x. I love that film but HP5 is a close second IMHO.
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FWIW, I asked Ilford a year or so ago and they told me that the demand wasn't there. At least they were nice enough to answer me.


I totally agree, I would love to see it happen. I'm under the impression (as misguided as it may be) that sheet film demand is rising, be it ever so slightly, so perhaps another query would be worthwhile. I'm not sure what demand level would be necessary for them to consider it.


I wonder if part of their reluctance is because they only mfr B&W film? I don't use Kodak films, but my impression/hunch is that Kodak and Fuji's main push in making the pre-packaged films is for color film, which I would imagine is geared more towards the professional market, where the higher costs of the pre-packaged films can more easily be borne because the film cost is rebilled to the customer. And, once you have designed the film holder and packet designed and developed, adding one additional film is a considerably smaller incremental cost. Just my late-night musings....




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The thing that I just don't get is, why isn't all film in Ready/quickloads?

Everyone seems to love them. I sure do. It's one of the few advances in LF photography in ages. Both Kodak and Fuji have the means to do it. They get a buck a sheet more for them and I'm pretty sure it doesn't cost that much more to place a sheet of film in one of the preloads. As much as the Ready/quickloads have caught on I'm really surprised that 4x5 non-Ready/quickload sheet film isn't a thing of the past by now. So what gives?

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Expensive, I'll give you that one. The liminted range of films was my point. Why should this be the case? The annoying little thing flapping around in the wind. Well if it's that windy I'm going to be shielding my camera from the wind anyway. As far as annoying, trying to change film in regular holders in the field and keeping dust out of them is much more annoying in my book. Only in 4x5. True, but there's much more 4x5 sold so I would expect this.
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Hi All,


Persueding Ilford to package film into QL/RL like packages has been attempted before without succes. Ilford once stated that setting up a packagingline for such would be an investment with no forseable ROI.


Despite I would love to see Ilford go down the QL/RL route, even at a premium price per shot.






Ps. Maybe this is a bussiness opertunity for the entrepeneurs on this list: set up a packaging line and produce a RL/QL compatible envelope and stick any emulsion into it wether it is Ilford, Bergger, Forte, Efke....

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Maybe the company we should be talking to is Polaroid... They need whatever they can get. They certainly have the capacity to package Ilford or Fuji if they care to. The best solution is to get one of the Fuji...matic septum holders which are available in Japan and Britain and load what ever film you like.
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That is a great idea! However I would also suggest Polaroid Type 55 in 5x7, and 8x10.


In reality, unless you really really like Tri-X, TMX in 4x5 is a faster film when you consider reciprocity. I guess the biggest problem for us Readyload users is the bane of windy days.


Personally, I carry TMX Readyloads with me and on occassion I carry 12 4x5 holders loaded with Tri-X.


Dan, if you can figure out how to get Ilford to load Delta 400 into Readyload type holders, I would gladly kick in $2,500 toward an order.



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As I recall Ilford is a company that is scrabbling to stay alive. I don; tclearly

recall all the details but if memory serves the original company went udner or

was about to go under several years ago and was bailed out be a group of

investors who took the company private. Seems as though I recall reading

some interviews with owners/management that indicated they were operating

on something of a shoestring and any new venture which was capital

intensive was not likely to happen.

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Ilford was sold to International Paper (large US multinational) in 1989 and is now part of that company's Imaging Products Division. Their international HQ is in Stamford,CT and their operational HQ is in Memphis, TN. If you want to write letters, here are the addresses:<br><br>

International Paper<br>

400 Atlantic Street <br>

Stamford, CT 06921 <br>

203-541-8000 <br><br>


International Paper <br>

6400 Poplar Avenue <br>

Memphis, TN 38197<br>

901-763-6000 <br>

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yes, but there's pie in the sky dreaming and there's thinking about something that might ahve a possibility of happening.


Several of us spent some time talking to Ilfoird lat year about 400 Delta and were told that while they where still going all out to support their sheet films, there was no chance of Delta 400 as there wasn't enough market for it. The original 400 in 4x5 wasn't a good seller. I amagien you could keep lobbying them on this issue


Now to imagine they are suddenly going to up and invest in the facilities to make readyloads to fit someone elses system in what is becoming one of their lesser lines of products - I really don't see it at all....

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Looks like Ilford is ready, willing and able to do custom production jobs for the customer ready to pay. Of course, I have no idea what the price might be for a run of 400 Delta (just plain sheets in a box for me, thanks), but it looks like they are ready to discuss it.


This could be a niche market for them, sort of a custom film eBay: we will make one-off production runs of uncommon films once per year, but you must have your order and deposit down by date X, delivery one month later. 400 Delta in Jan, SFX in Apr, PanF in Jul, 3200 Delta in Oct, XP2 every Leap Day ;-)


And the page says they are an independent company, so I guess that means they were sold off.

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