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lens for 1:1 8x10 work?


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I have some items to shoot that are about 8x10 in size and I would like them to be actual size or close to it on an 8x10 neg. Am I correct in thinking I want a lens that works well for 1:1 work? Anyone have ideas on the best lens for this type of thing? I will only be doing B&W work so maybe there is an old sleeper I could use?




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You will need to determine focal length of the lens first and that will depend on the amount of bellows extension that your camera has. The formula is 1/focal length = 1/subject distance + 1/ image distance. Once that you have determined the focal length that will work, then I would look toward the Schneider G Claron lenses that will fit into that formula since they were optimized for 1 to 1 work. Even though they will work well at infinity.
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Mateo. If you've got a quality 150mm or even a 135mm enlarger lens mount it and have a look before you spend a fortune. It will cover 8X10 at 1:1. A 150 or 210 G-Claron is excellent in those ranges and certainly affordable, and the 210 will cover your 810 at infinity in spite of what Schneider will tell you.
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To make things simpler, at 1:1 magnification the lens will be twice its focal length from the ground glass. A 305mm lens requires 610mm bellows at 1:1. At that magnification with an 8x10 camera you need to think about lighting. You've got a big camera only several inches from the subject, can you light it evenly without shadows from the camera? A longer lens helps but you need a loooong bellows and a very stable support, probably two tripods. A 150mm or 210mm G-Claron might be a good choice although the lens to subject distances are short, a 305mm G-Claron is the one I'd reach for (since I don't have a 355mm). You might also look at what enlarging lenses you have available. If this is a one-time requirement that might make more sense than spending a few hundred dollars.
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Why dont you experiment with the lenses you already have. I've been doing some 1:1 and closer on 12x20 with a 135mm Xenar f3.5 for some interesting results. Yes it barely covers but it is F3.5 :-) and purty nice for the sharp, soft bokeh look. You will be surprised at how many lenses will cover at 1:1.
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Lots in the archives on this subject. Correctly, the shortest lens that will cover 8x10 , not only is less bellows extension

needed, also less complicated to establish good exposure and

less light needed. A lens that can be had for a few $$$ is

the Polaroid 135mm.

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As others have mentioned, G-Clarons are a good choice. I believe they are out of production, so if you want to buy new, you should buy soon. I bought a 240mm recently from Robert White at a nice low price, but he is running out...



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