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graduated ND center filter for vignetting Fuji GW690III ?


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I've been using a Fuji GW690III for a while and I'm getting a subtle vignetting around the edges of my images. The center is around a stop or so lighter than the outside edges. I'm pretty sure it's not a filter issue - I usually only use a B+W skylight filter. Has anyone else noticed this. It can be corrected in the printing, but I'd like to get a graduated Neutral Density center Filter to correct this. Does anyone have any recommendations?
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I've never had this in about 5 years of shooting my GW690III. But then again I rarely if ever shoot it wide open. Does this happen for you across all aperatures? Mostly when using a polarizer? Does it happen all the time?
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The image is not black around the edges- just darker- so I guess it would be "light fall off" rather than vignetting. I just put a shot up in my portfolio so you can see it. I usually shoot at a mid or high f stop (5.6-16) no polarizer filter.


Is this just my particular camera? Has any other Fuji gw690II users seen this? Do you think a center ND filter would help? If so, I wonder which would be the best...

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I have noticed this light fall-off with my GW690III, when I shot longer night exposures than 30 seconds and/or wide open.


Now I shoot around f16.

Some examples can be found here: http://forum.fotoklikk.hu/modules.php?set_albumName=album07&op=modload&name=gallery&file=index&include=view_album.php


I think this is a normal light fall off, what is caused by the film reciprocity (Schwarzshild), plus the lens light fall off together. I never tried the center filter, but I was thinking on it. Once I tried out the Cosina 77mm center filter (made to the Cosina 19-35 zoom) with a 67-77mm filter ring converter, but I have not really notice any difference. So I finnaly have not purchase one.




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