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Removing Bronica SQ AI back without dark slide


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Bought a camera but its missing the dark slide. How the hell did i not notice this?! Anyway, the camera is a Bronica SQ AI with a Bronica SQ-i 6x6 back (the new (?) ones with the iso on the back).


Now I'm trying to test the camera.

All below happens at any shutter speed setting.


-The battery test button doesn't seem to work because the battery indicator light doesn't light up.

-BTW, should the battery test button be somewhat recessed into a circular "guard" and stick out less than the film back release button?

-There is no film in the camera.

-There is no dark slide in the back.

-mirror isn't locked up

-Lens can be removed

-the film winder on the camera body can be wound constantly when on non multiple exposure mode and still no firing.

-when on multiple exposure mode the winder winds then locks and cant be would any more. Still no stutter fire.

-When returned to single exposure, film winder releases and can be would again.


Apparently you can test the shutter in multi exposure mode but often it wont fire if you have no film in and if the film back is attached. So, you can test this by removing the film back. I cant do this without the dark slide. Is there a way to remove the back without the slide?


I've attached an image of the back.



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Well i managed to get the back off with a pin ;)


Still no triggering of the shutter.

I assumed the batteries were ok because the light works when i press the shutter. I'm going to switch to new batteries later today. If its not that then I'm not sure what else

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