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I'm Planning a tip to Arches N.P. in April. All advice wecome

john schroeder

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Overdone and obvious, but excellent subjects worth seeing in any event:


Sunrise: Dead Horse State Park - as already mentioned


Sunrise: Mesa Arch (Canyonlands)


Sunrise: Turret Arch thru North Window (Arches) - can also be good at twilight


Early morning: Landscape Arch


Late afternoon / Sunset: Delicate Arch (not the Delicate Arch viewpoint, but the longer hike from Wolfe Ranch)


Late afternoon / Sunset: Balance rock can be good with the mountains in the background if the light is right


Late afternoon: The Fiery furnace (you have to scout to get a good foreground)

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One of my favorites (and my wifes - which is saying something), is shooting down the Colorado River toward Fisher Towers in Castle Valley. You have to take 128 from Moab going northeast and drive past Castle valley. You will actually end up shooting toward the southeast. This is an afternoon, sunset shot. You can get the mountains in the background. I was going to climb up the rocks (the river flows through a gorge it has cut), but didn't have time.
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If you happen to hit the park after a rain storm, look for water filled potholes along the lower end of Park Avenue. Most aren't big enough to give you much but you could get some reflections in front of the Three Gossips or Sheep rock in the morning.

Pine Tree arch along the Devil's Garden trail is also a nice morning shot. The sun is too far north now for a sunrise but it will get nice sun later on. There is a rock wall which casts a shadow onto the arch just after noon.

You could drive out the Salt Valley road if it is dry. About 10 miles out is a parking area with toilet, which accesses a trail to the Marching Men formation and Tunnel Arch. Tunnel isn't much but looking back toward the La Sals after you hike up the sand dune is an interesting shot. These are afternoon shots.

Rangers don't like anyone tromping through the cryptbiotic soil. It looks like bubbled up black crust but that is the mature crust. There is also the immature crust just beginning to form. Basic guideline is walk only on slickrock.

Safety issues. When slickrock is wet it gets, how do I say this(?), slick. About the only place I can imagine one dying is falling off the back of Delicate Arch.

Definite must sees for me are Delicate Arch, Mesa Arch, (at sunrise), see my photo of this arch in the 2003 Grand Circle, and the two canyon overlooks at Grandview and Dead Horse Point.


good luck

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You don't say where you're coming from. If you don't live anywhere close to there, you may have about as much fun photographing cactuses or similar plant life as the arches themselves. We drove there from Grand Junction several years back, and recall a very scenic drive through some canyons on the way. Be prepared for cold weather- it may be real nice while you're there, but no guarantees. For some of the arches, a very wide angle will work well (if you have a fisheye, take it). From some angles, it will help greatly to have a person in the photo for scale- so may work better if you're not by yourself! Some of the arches are visible from the road, others require several miles hike.


Have fun! I predict the biggest challenge will be figuring out WHICH view to photograph- it was nice!

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Step 1. Go up to the bar that runs across the top of the screen on photo.net and run your cursor across to "Travel," then down to "North America," then down to "Arches and Canyonlands NP."<p>


Step 2. If you still need more information, do a search for "Arches" here on photo.net.<p>


Step 3. After executing steps 1 and 2 and carefully reading the results of your efforts, if you can still think of a question about Arches that has not been addressed, ask it.

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