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Any real estate photogs here?


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- To misquote somebody or other:

'A tidy house is a sign of.... having no life'


Good luck with the move Yardkat.

Thank you!

My Grandmother had a sign in her kitchen saying "My kitchen is clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy." I've definitely taken that message to heart. But yes, I wish photoshop could fix a lot of real life issues. Wrinkles, bad hair, etc...photoshop myself before I leave the house! :)

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It would be quicker than my minimal ablutions as well. (I've just had a hair cut, which would likely have been faster and cheaper digital. Although I did once take a team photo and my boss asked whether I could remove his stubble. I... tried. I have sympathy for those dealing with Henry Cavill's 'tache for Justice League.) I've fixed a few photographed teeth in my time, though, and that really would have been expensive to do for real. Mostly, if I'm in a photo, I resort to trying to look a little less red.


As my mum once had on a sign:


Although you find our house a mess,

Come in, sit down, converse.

It doesn't always look like this.

(Sometimes it's even worse.)


When I eventually move (and after being in the house since 2004, I've only just resigned myself to putting up pictures) I'm going to have a problem with the "tidy" theory. Well, everything's away, but there are almost no walls that aren't covered by a bookshelf or other furniture. I may have to take sales photos in x-ray.


Good luck again with the sales and packing. One time I left somewhere I was going to move a hosepipe from the garage, and decided that the very large spider sitting on it could have it. More recently I've had to deal with removal firms who insist on starting with rooms that I've not packed yet in preference over rooms that I have, with the resulting sad little crashing noises as the threw delicate electronics into boxes. And the one who hadn't bought a big enough map of London, and who therefore went to somewhere sounding a bit like our address thirty miles away. Or the removal guys who fell off a ramp while trying to carry my piano. I hope I've absorbed some of the bad luck for you!

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I am selling 2 houses right now....a renovated flip, and a long term rental. I took several photos of the flip house, and they were just ok. I used an iphone and a Nikon D7100, with 18-150 lens and tripod. I turned on the lights in the house for warmth and set exposure for max depth of field. I figured I could crop etc in post processing to get the perspective(s) I wanted. As I said the pictures turned out just ok. Except for 2 iphone photos of the front of the house. I stood in the middle of the street looking straight at the front door, so the house was framed by trees. Light was late afternoon with a nice glow. I was far enough away to get that "looking down the lane" perspective that really helped to show the exterior in the best way possible. I had just laid sod in the front, so I tweaked exposure and saturation in LR to really play up warmth and the green of the new sod. I then hired a professional and his photos of the interior were better than mine. He used a Nikon D850 with a 14-24 lens, and a hand held flash. He was able to get better perspectives than I was, and there is a shine to his photos that I could not replicate. Still learning. I would suggest you take some pictures yourself to see what you can do, then consider hiring a pro. In my area the cost is less than $200 for a complete set of pictures. I attached copies of the iphone photos to show what *is* possible. The 2nd photo is the main listing photo and feedback to date has been universally outstanding regarding the quality of the photograph (and house). Now I have to find the right buyer.....


The rental house is occupied by tenants who are neat, but also have a lot of 'stuff" so the pictures look cluttered. There is very little I can do unfortunately.


458529594_FrontCornerShot.thumb.jpg.f7bf7c2c8597d7a86d9a81967612fa3d.jpg marquis.thumb.jpg.228897b5fffb8cbbf4d1843a14d9cf9b.jpg

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