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Not again...: Hasselblad jam


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Sorry to ask another question about a Hassy jam, but I can't find my

problem in the archives.

The thing is, my hassy 500cm is jammed with the mirror half way

back, and the rear-shutter (?) open. The winding knob is in its

normal position, and can't be moved. There's no lens on the body.

I've tried everything except using force. Can anyone help me?

Can I repair this myself? I've never opened a hassy body, but I've

some experience with camera repair. Are there any pictures and

instructions of opening hasselblads on the net?




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if you cannot get the small screw to turn to recock the internal shutter then the only way to unjam the camera is to take it apart. it is basically a shell within a shell. however, if your camera seems prone to jam, it could be an indication that something inside is worn, and it would be best to spend the money to have a cla done by a professional that provides a warranty on their work. David Odess comes to mind.
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I've tried all sorts of tricks, but this is not a 'normal' jam.

Kevin, how do I take the inner shell out? I can't find any screws that have to be loosened (I've tried via the quick release screws, but this doesn't work).


One other thing. On both sides of the cocking screw (?), there is a small pin. On my other 500cm (not jammed...) only the left one is there (if you look at the front of the body). Is the right pin supposed to be there or not? I think it should't be there since it prevents the lens from being mounted.




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The screws that hold the inner shell are underneath the tripod coupling plate. The inner shell-outer shell fit is pretty snug.

But unless you have the right jig to set camera length (distance lens mount in inner shell to film magazine mount on outer shell), or the know-how of how a Hasselblad jig-saw fits together, and of howto adjust things before/during reassembly, i wouldn't bother. Send it in to someone qualified who has the proper tools too.


This second pin near the camera key indeed is not (!) present on all bodies. Nothing to worry about.

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