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EOS: How to switch/replace focusing screen?


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I have a Rebel G. I CAREFULLY removed my focusing screen, in summer

2002, and now, the following february, it keeps popping out and won't

remain in place (maybe the cold?...) I got it in a couple times, but

it would fall out each time I snap shutter and mirror strikes it. The

Canon phone tech said RebelG's do not have interchangable screens.

However, one of you folks surely has dealt with this or similar

situation, or can advise from your experience with higher end models

w/optional focus screens.


Can I locate a source to provide a new retaining clip and installation

instructions? And maybe even a specific tool for the retaining clip

(long shot; yeah, I know)? What about a majic lantern guide or something.


Disclaimer: I had no choice to remove the screen, cuz inside screen

was dusty and autofocus was toast. Autofocus worked like charm after

removing screen and shooting canned air :)

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I think your best bet is to take it to a camera repair shop and have them estimate the cost of fixing the camera. For some reason I don't think you are going to have much success trying to repair the camera yourself, especially if you don't have any experience doing it.


Now, I understand why you removed the screen, but I must ask, why didn't you take it to a repair shop instead? I simply wouldn't dare removing the screen if it wasn't interchangeable...

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Yeah, your gonna have to take that thing to the shop. I would also try and hope that you didn't do any permanent damage. Depending on the repair cost you may think about buying a new camera. especially if the damage consists of a peice of plastic tab being broke. I am not sure how they secure them in there but I wouldn't put it past the manufacturer to retain them with plastic tabs and glue possibly.
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Actually since the Rebel G is a consumer Camera body the focusing screen WASN'T meant to be taken out. Only EOS 1 series, EOS 3, and A2(E) have removable screens. The reason being is that the cameras mentioned above have a special latch to keep the focusing screen in place. They also have a hinged frame to make sure the screen won't move or be off center. Generally removing the screen out of ANY OTHER Canon body means BAD NEWS. I would suggest sending it to a Canon repair depot. No messing about will fix it since you don't have the proper tools, hardware, or knowledge. Trying to do anymore will just make it worse and might even scratch your viewfinder prism. Good luck.
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This is what they make super glue & duct tape for Kent. :~)


Is there any way to bend/form the screen holder bracket to get better purchase on the latch (or whatever is there to hold it)?


Just how did you get the screen to pop out the first time? I've been thinking doing this with my Elan IIe, just for grins. Actually I'm wondering if i can force fit a Beattie Intenscreen with split image for better manual focusing. Well, it's a thought.

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Some of you guys are cracking me up. It's no big deal, there's just a (fairly) simple retaining clip. Since posting, it's survived six frames w/o falling out. I've saved WAY too much money attempting to fix things myself to not keep trying. I think y'all are just a bunch of repair techs selling stuff on ebay. Drop a hundred on ebay? Hah! I'm better off buying some duct tape and super glue.


You're right the focus sensor is below the mirror. Maybe I hadn't figured it out yet, or there was a big piece of dust that was bugging me. I can't remember, anymore. Good advice not to scratch the prism and not to blast it with canned air(I was careful). More important is not to blast air through the shutter. I was VERY careful about that.


So far I got the screen back in, and shot six frames w/o it falling out. Whereas before I posted the thread, I was able to get it in just fine, but it would fall out each time a took a picture. It'll likely fall out again, eventually, and I wouldn't mind having access to the repair manual when the time comes. Could be some crucial step I left out.

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