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Fuji GW67II


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Really nice lens. Strange placement of shutter/aperture controls. No 'B' setting, and at 'T', you have to advance the film or turn the shutter speed ring to close the shutter - rather odd, but fairly easy to manage. I have the 6x9 model III, the lens obscures the lower right corner of the viewfinder.




There is a frame counter on the bottom! The number is a count of the times the shutter has been released times 0.1 this can give you some idea of how much use the thing has seen. Fuji recomends service on the shutter when it hits 500 and a rebuild when it turns over at 1000.

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If the camera is in good condition I'd bargain a little more on the price and then go for it. $800 is a little steep for a Fuji 6x7 unless it is mint condition.




The 90mm Fuji lens blows my Mamiyas away.




Oh yeah, ignore the comment about 6x9 Fujis'. 6x7 is the perfect format for 8x10, 16x20, etc. If you buy a 6x9 you'll forever be stuck cropping the extra 2cm, unless you do your own printing.





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