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Just a thought - Why do The Truly Great Nature Photographers never post things?


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This is just a fleeting thought � but why do the truly GREAT

nature photographers never post? Lanting, Rosing, Angel,

countless National Geo folks, Middleton, Fitzharris, Dykinga etc.,

etc. never post here (or in other forums for that matter)? Oh � a

couple have here and there � but not the ones you see in

Nature�s Best or high end publications on a regular basis. Why

is that? Are they too busy actually working? Don�t give a flying you

know what on what others think? Just a thought �not meant to

infuriate anyone, honest. But ever wonder that? Why?



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One reason is certainly that they are too busy! Many of them are

shooting/traveling 10 months out of the year. This is an

educational forum where people come to learn. I doubt that they

would learn enough to make it worth their while to spend time on

this site. They are not Gear Heads they are photographers in

the true sense of the word. They are not defined by the

equipment they carry, but rather what they are able to produce

with whatever equipment they have. There seems to be a

mentality here that it is the gear that makes you a real

photographer. They probably don't give a rats ass if someone in

an open forum decides that their image would be stronger if

cropped to a square format, or if someone thinks they should

clone out that branch in photoshop. I guarantee that if one of the

best shooters on the planet posted images on this forum

annonymously they would probably get the same comments that

everyone else gets. What would be the point? What would they

possibly have to gain? Their time is better spent out shooting or

running their business.

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I am sure most working pros are, as stated, very busy working and have alternate means of communicating.


I take some exception, however, to the implication that "truly GREAT nature photographers" do not post. No doubt the names you mentioned are great photographers but they are also full-time working professionals meaning they do this for a living. That alone does not justify greatness.


I suggest you go find a copy of the book "American Vision" which contains images by amateur nature photographers. Without exception the working professionals who helped compile this work agreed that the amateur work product depicted therein was exceptional.


You may not have intended to "infuriate" anyone but you sure have insulted a lot of folks.

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Thanks Dick! I have a copy of that book, and I was lucky enough

to be a contributor to that project. It sounds like you may have

been published in there too. (I'll have to go back through it and

look for your by-line.) My interpretation of the term "truely great" in

Edwards question was "well known" ...maybe I'm interpreting

more than I should.

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J. Scott hits the nail on the head.

They're busy working at photography. Business is a full-time occupation; creative work especially. It's almost two jobs, doing the art and maintaining the business.

The working pro's also aren't seeking the feedback of other photographers, their immediate and valid feedback is the check they receive for their work!

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A few well known people used to post here from time to time in years past (fishing for customers for their guided tours ?), and added a lot to the discussion from time to time, but i see less and less of it.


If i was into photography as a profession (it is Strictly a hobby for me), i would not be here either. I would be chasing my hobbies and interests outside of work (like i'm doing right now).

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The question is unanswerable since only the GREAT ones know their reasons yet will not know the question has been asked since they don't visit.


I've wondered why some who do visit don't have any photos archived. When someone gives advice or whatever they have to say/write, I'm always interested to see their work. Often times I see a 0 for photos on this site and no link to a private site. This makes it difficult to put their ideas in context to their photography. Just a thought I've pondered for awhile.

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Exactly. Why would they subject themselves to abuse?


In general a famous name seems to bring out the worst in people (jealously?). Of course sometime the abuse is deserved, but we don't want to open THAT can of worms...


What would they have to gain by posting here? I doubt many leading cardiac surgeons post on health forums and I don't suppose many formula one race drivers spend a lot of time posting to racing discussion forums. They have better things to do with their time.

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They would be opening themselves to abuse, and having people with more mouth than experience making know all comments. It is of course possible that some do ask questions using an alias so they can blend in and relate on an equal basis.


For pros photography is a business and a competitive one at that. For many it makes sense to develop their own site to promote their own brand rather than someone elses. They might also consider that the best way to learn is to do.


Although I am a software engineer by trade I avoid software related sites if at all possible. I also avoid most software/computer magazines as they are often written by nerds obsessed with what is new, rather than what gets the job done. In fact I often find that books are best as the web is not a free lunch, despite the early idealistic beginnings. I expect similar comments could be made by pro-photographers in relation to photo sites.


I read this site for learning and relaxing as it lets me forget about work.

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Because this isn't REALLY a photographer's forum, is it? It seems to me to be more of a computer-enthusiast's-with-an-additional-interest-in-photography forum. If we spent less time in front of the dumb screen and more time in the field, we would also be truly great. Well, maybe not. If we had had that potential, we wouldn't be sitting here in the first place...
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Hi Mats. Your posting made me laugh. But I don't agree. This really is a good place to discuss photography and learn. I once asked what filter I needed on a flash to correct for an 81B on the lens. I got an answer. I recently asked how to get fill flash with an F80 + AIS lens. I got excellent helpful answers. Goodness knows how I would have found answers otherwise. Photo Net works.



If it was a haven for computer geeks, I would be out of here PDQ. Of course some people here have a passing knowledge of computers (guilty) but I suspect that is because photography is an expensive hobby and computer people are decent earners.


<A HREF="http://mysite.freeserve.com/ukfungi/mainpage.html">Leif</A>

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