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Metz 70 MZ 5


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I will take my first wedding photos in a couple of months (I am

actually hired for the date !!). I am now using FM2N and F80 as my

body and a couple of D lenses (50 f1.4 and 70-300 f4-5.6) + one AIS

lens (28 f2.8). I have currently one flash that is usually coupled

with my FM2n : Metz 28C2. I am now considering to buy another big

flash for the F80 and fall in love with the Metz 70MZ 5.


Any body has experience with this flash unit ? Any comment and review

will be helpful and very much appreciated. Thank you.

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You may need to do a search for users views on the Metz 70 MZ-5. There are some comments on the medium format forum about this.

I use this with a medium format camera (Bronica SqAi) or an SLR. Here are some comments.


1. Very intuitive to use. You can virtually leave it on TTL and

just use on aperture priority (if you have it on your FM2n).

It can be used as simply as one likes, or as complicated - take it

at your own pace, as you develop familiarity with it.

2. Handling: this is a bit of a problem if you're carrying as much

equipment as you mention, especially without an assistant. It is

not particularly heavy, however it is bulky. Given that you also

have a sensor unit to attach to your camera hotshoe, it can be

fiddly hand-holding the flash off the bracket, if your camera is

mounted on a tripod. I've had perfect exposures when shooting

candids at celebrations with this, however, in between shots, you

need to either hang it around your head, or leave it in a shoulder

bag or something.


3. Flash characteristics; definitely get a softening diffuser if

you're doing weddings. This is a very powerful flashgun; it has a

phenomenal GN of around 70 at 100ISO 105mm zoomed end.


4. It has all the features I ever use; fill-in flash (with partial

output - very useful); slow-synch for dramatic effects, a variety

of auto-apertures, and an ability to reach down to around 24mm on

35mm format with a wide-angle diffuser (no significant fallout).

I believe there is a telephoto adaptor marketed by an indie which

will enable you to use the flashgun at the 300mm end.


It is thoroughly useful, however the hammerhead design, as with all hammerheads, come with their own hang-ups. Battery lasts for ages (and a spare is affordable); the modules aren't too expensive, so if you get another camera, its not incompatible. The light is not particularly harsh (compared to some other branded flashguns). I've never tried this in a wedding, however my inclination would be to believe, it is too powerful. Unless you fire it into an umbrella diffuser. Still, it's a great flashgun.

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  • 1 month later...
Jason thanks for the advice. Finally I got one and have used it in one of my relative's wedding recently. The flash is just wonderful. It's heavy alright but it delivers the result that I need. I did not have a chance to follow your advise by getting one of the bouncer to soften the light. But for sure I will get one. Again many thanks for your advice.
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