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Nikon Wednesday 2017: #28

Matt Laur

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please keep your image under 1000 pixels on the longest side for in-line viewing, and
please keep the FILE SIZE UNDER 300kb
. Note that
this includes photos hosted off-site
(at Flickr, Photobucket, your own site, etc). Are you
new to this thread?
The general guidelines for these Wednesday threads are
. This forum's moderators are allowing up to three Nikon Wednesday images per week, so share some work!


It's not very often I actually stop and wonder if this new Photo.Net environment will let us try something noticeably different than the good old days. It looks like we can actually embed video links, now. How about that. So on this Nikon Wednesday, I'll stick with most of the conventions by making it about Nikon hardware, and showing images shot using Nikon gear ... but in a linked-to 30 second bit hosted on Vimeo, where I dump the occasional project file for sharing. In this case, I was testing the D810 with the 14-24/2.8 on a slider set up in a just-staged newly built home about to go on the market. Just a chopped-out segment. Share some work this week!



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One more for today. This is a composite, showing the size difference between Fenris and Bagheera. I lost my beloved Fenris a year ago today. The photo of Bagheera was taken yesterday, on his first birthday. The Fenris photo is from April 2016. These two dogs were alive together on this Earth for about 24 hours. The Earth wasn't big enough for both of them. :)




Fenris photo with Pentax K-50 (16mp) and Bagheera photo taken with Nikon D7000. Both pics at 55mm, f5.6, 1/100 sec.

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