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What else do all of you do?-troll....

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Curiousity: What are all of you "into", other than Leica?

for example:


Vintage or modern vacuum tube audio?

Vintage sports cars?

Collecting cigarette lighters? or exotic cigars/tobacco/whatever?

---legal, of course...hehehe...

Vintage or exotic/esoteric bicycles?

Ham (amateur) radio, perhaps with non-japanese gear? CW?

Music (other than listening)?

What have you?



Walt (WB5LJW, since 1973, HF/cw only)

Photo Lab Manager, adjunct instructor, UNT School of Visual Arts

Tube audio builder-Including guitar amps

Used to have MGA, TR-6, Jaguar, etc...will again, of course!

Leica since age 19--late 70's--currently M4, M4-P, lenses, and

Nikon F system (don't like Leica reflex)--

Cinelli road bike with misc mongrel parts, all vintage

Don't collect lighters but could find interest...

Member of VERY busy (100 nites/year) local band-



Come on, gimme some reading material for later!

Thanks, Walt

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Hi Walt,


Good reading. The other things I do: 1971 Alfa Romeo Spider

1750 (had since new), '79 Alfa coupe. Used to have; Triumph

TR3, MGA, XK120, XKE, 2 big Austin Healys, Porsche S90

Roadster Triumph Spitfire. 29' wood cutter rigged sailboat (spent

3 years sailing the Atlantic single handed with her, now we sail

on the Chesapeake). I take lots of pictures with; two black paint

M2s, black M3, two M6TTLs and a Nikon F3HP system.

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I have a very boring life and that's the way I like it. I am dull and superficial and have no friends. I use the persona of someone called "Lee Shively" for this forum but that is not my real name and I have no intelligent opinions and no coherent answers. I am sixty-one years old and I live with my mother. I know nothing about photography. I don't own a Leica. You have found me out, Walt. Damn you!
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Sea kayaking- around the Isle of Man, Scotland, Canada and Greenland.


Cooking- mainly sea-food, sea bass being my speciality.


Fishing- for sea bass.


Music- I play the drums for a local band.


Cars- driving my 2001 Peugeot 206 WRC fast around the Isle of Man.


Off-roading- driving my series 3 landrover slowly around the Manx 'green lanes'


Drinking- quoffing pint after pint of lovely Okells ale.

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newcomer to the leica thang. have an F3 HP and rollei 6x6 outfit. I mainly shoot for fun, though paying gigs come up once in a while.


steadicam and camera operator for films, commercials and music videos is what pays the bills. i love it!


made it to grade 6 in the royal conservatory of music for classical guitar. play only casually now.


love to play squash in the winter and paintball in the summer.


going to see the buena vista social club in 2 hours in toronto :-) ...bringing the m3

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Travel - not enough yet, Ireland, Australia, cross country U.S.,

Reading - almost anything.

Hunting - things that fly.

Fishing - inshore saltwater, coastal rivers.

Music - most all types, knock around some bluegrass with '74


Student - second time around, this time for PJ at WKU.

Camera systems - finally settled into Leica and Nikon F (both AF

& manual.

Off topic? Maybe not a bad idea to have some idea of who the

people are that we talk to on this forum, IMHO, may actually

encourage more civility.

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Well, I also sell used cars - land - whiskey - bongos - flyswatters - Racing Forms - manure & nails. I am a journeyman windmill mechanic. I fight wars, start revolutions, castrate elephants, tame tigers, verify computers, empty bars and organize orgies. In my spare time, I provide stud service.
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Profession: Violinist and teacher, <a href=http://oliversteiner.com> my professional website</a>

In listening to recordings I'm partial to LPs and tube or "tube-like" solid state gear. I have just about every recording ever made by Jascha Heifetz and by Nathan Milstein (with whom I studied).I listen mainly to classical violin and vocal repertory.

Hobbies: Photography, amateur radio and, with my wife, being doting parents to three dogs! Call sign: W2QXR;TS-950SDX and QRO linear + 75A-3 and Viking Valiant + homebrew CW rig.

<a href=http://photos.oliversteiner.com>photography web site</a> 73, Ollie<div>004bDY-11566684.jpg.c3091b78ecc67573db4e1b7102d8c195.jpg</div>

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I fish, but casting, not trolling. Mostly light plug casting tackle, 8 lb and occasionally 12 lb line, and flyfishing. Most of my fishing is saltwater here in South Florida. I dabbled with the idea of becoming a fishing guide and got my Coast Guard captains' license. I have a 17 ft. Dusky center console. I also make bucktail jigs which have set several IGFA world records and won a number of contests. I only supply a few guides and friends.


I also serve on several city boards and commisions, and have served on the boards of directors of the local Chamber of Commerce, YMCA and The Mayor's Economic Task Force. I've chaired several election campaigns; 14 years ago I got an unknown young female candidate elected mayor running against the incumbant.


I try to keep the photography as much fun as it was as a hobby but it's been my main income source for over 40 years. I also dabbled in the antique business for a number of years with my now ex wife, and still do on occasion. We're still good friends, and every once in awhile there's an estate with Leica or other quality photo gear. Some great bargains!

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I'm into fondling my new Noctilux at the moment, just kidding! Hmn, well I am currently a doctoral candidate in math, single (looking for another young lady), love to travel, love sports cars, and that's about it. For home entertainment I like home theater- have a Pioneer DV-09, McIntosh stereo preamp, Paradigm Reference Active/20 speakers, Loewe 32" widescreen digital tube tv, among other components. I'm a bit materialistic, but only if the thing serves a purpose for me- usually involving exciting the senses and memories.
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I can't carry a tune in a bucket, can't read music, but have been a lover of classical music and opera since I was twelve. Spent three years in the Army (Armored Force) and 27 years in the Air Force as a fighter, bomber and recce pilot, going all over the world. Have been a rangefinder addict since the Argus C3 days, progressing to Leica rangefinders in 1945. 58 years of shooting 'chromes with Leica IIIc's and M series may have stunted my intillectual growth - - if not contributing to a permanent wart on my right index finger. Got my amateur (ham) radio license in 1936 and ran 100 watts on CW (160 meters) using an end-fed Zepp. WWII put me out of business as a ham (radio, that is). I got into serious audio in 1950 and began building my own preanps and amps. Started with a Williamson amp., and built my own speaker enclosures. After managing to burn countless holes in myself and my clothing with 50-50 silver solder and my soldering iron, I gave it up and scrimped to buy my equipment. Today, I have a simple stereo setup (no 5-speaker theater) with Bryston electronics, Sony CD player and Thiel 3.5 speakers. Our countless reels of 7 1/2 tapes and LPs have been replaced with CD's.


After retiring from the Air Force, I spent the next seventeen years in private industry before re-retiring. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1994, but I'm still in remission. I spend two to three hours a day on e-mail listservs answering and counseling men who have been newly-diagnosed with this damnable dragon. I'm a trustee on our local hospital's foundation board, raidsing money for our Cancer Center. I'm not bald, as yet - - but I'm getting there.

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Present age..51 short years. Paying the bills by practicing medicine here in So. California. Have been into photography for 35+ years, enjoy scuba diving, travel, and woodworking. Love playing the guitar, and would rather have been a rock-sta. Would have made it, if only I had the talent. Current gear includes Leica M6 and various lenses. Recently have acquired a Canon 1D and am enjoying the digital challenge. Current drive BMW M3.
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