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drying 8x10 negs

bob haight

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The best clips are available at Prophot in Paris -- a fine enough tooth to stay off the image. Radiologists Xray clips are fine, too. On the other hand, a little mark on the edge isn't going to spoil a picture. Avedon and other guys make a little festish of it, as in, "look at me, I don't crop." Although a printer friend once had to fake the rebate on one of Avedon's cropped images...
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Now that I know that Ansel used wooden clothes pins turned inside out, I'll have to start doing it that way. Note to self: discard all my plastic photo clips. BTW, anyone know if the wood in Ansel's clothes pins was acid free? Pine? Birch?


Seriously, though, it is a good idea, although I have issues with the lack of a spring groove on the inside surface of the wooden pieces.


Also, does anyone know if the metal spring in the clothes pin needs to be stainless, or have special surface treatments like electroplating or anodization? What would Ansel do? (WWAD).

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I routinely raid the chip drawer for the clothespins my wife uses to keep her Doritos fresh(nacho cheese flavored) when I develop film. Aside from the dull spot the clothespins leave on my negatives, my wife's chips get stale/soggy and I tend to gain wieght and crave beer. The radiologists x-ray clips sound interesting. If I can't score some off my bro-in-law, The Dentist, does anyone know where to buy some? Thanks!
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