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Travel/location question follow-up


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Since discovering this forum several months ago I find that my main

interest is reading and learning about great places for wildlife and

nature photography. Every time someone asks about a place, no matter

where or how remote, happily there are at least a few answers to give

him/her a headstart. It occurs to me that this vital aspect of the

forum could be enhanced if photographers would report back after

their trip. Was the info they got accurate? Is there better info? Was

the time right..were the bears there...did the location access

change...etc., etc. Couldn't this follow-up be made an informal

covenant with the group--the payback for asking a travel/location

question? What do you think out there? Mr. moderator?


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Some of us have already been providing trip reports to this forum. A

very good example is Bob's report about his recent trip to Maine and a

few places he visited there. Earlier this month, I reported about my

trip to Vermont and the foliage was quite disappointing this year.

There have been a number of follow ups to these reports as some other

people have made similar trips recently.




On the main page for the Nature Forum, there are several links to

reports about some "hot" locations for nature photography from the

more common Yellowstone and Florida to some remote locations in

Africa. Hopefully people will find these reports helpful and, better

yet, more people can provide additional information to share with all

of us.

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