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Nikon -> to Canon -> to A7s?


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<p>Hi there, <br /> <br /> I'm curious if something like this may work or it's just a stupid idea. <br /> I've Nikkor lenses and I'm already using them on EOS camera with adapters like these: <a href="http://amzn.com/B001G4QXLE" target="_blank">http://amzn.com/B001G4QXLE</a> <br /> They work just fine. <br /> <br /> Now I'm wondering if I could use the same lenses on a Sony A7s using an EOS to Sony adapter, something like this: <a href="http://amzn.com/B003Y302CG" target="_blank">http://amzn.com/B003Y302CG</a> <br /> <br /> Why? Because this way I could simply buy one adapter only (EOS to E-mount) and use all my (adapted) EOS lenses (Nikon, M42, OM and so forth...) <br /> <br /> Do you think this would work? (I *really* hope it can work!!)</p>
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<p>I don't own any of the a7 series but I do play plenty with adapters of various kinds. As long as the register distance is maintained by an adapter combo, and the fittings/rings/buttons are mechanically sound, then there would be no absolutely critical issue to deter you from using the combo.</p>

<p>That said, you probably wouldn't have quite the same rigidity, as every additional coupling tends to add some slight wobble/jiggle to the overall setup. Also, depending on the exact release mechanisms involved, there might be occasions when you accidentally turn or press the coupler on one of the adapters, for example when you were trying instead to turn one of the rings on the lens itself, or press a button/switch on the lens (if it happens to have a stop-down switch for example). So it would be wise to hold off on very heavy lenses until you've assured yourself that the adapter combo can hold those securely.</p>

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