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<p>In a previous post (Aug.2011), I pointed out that I was too late to buy an A850, and asked whether it was worth it to wait for an A77 (as opposed to buying an A900 immediately.) Well, I decided to wait for the A77, and apparently somehow missed that window also. I guess it was available for about 90 minutes at a few dealers. Anyone have any insight as to what happened, and when it might be available again? Looks like Sony won't make it for the holidays...at least not the holidays 2011.<br>


Jerome Smith</p>

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<p>Sony and Nikon both had fairly large plants in Thailand that got flooded, so both have fairly serious supply problems at the moment. There also seems to be pretty decent demand for both the A77 and A65 (as well as the Nex 7, which uses the same sensor), so all of them sold out fairly quickly after they were initially stocked.</p>

<p>Sony has converted a different plant to produce A77s, but getting that up to producing the volume of the plant that got flooded will probably take a while (and may not happen at all -- I'm not sure it has the same capacity).</p>

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<p>At this point, it seems worth it to wait for the next FF, in my opinion. The current FF options are too old, and have none of the advantages of the A77. And the A77 has some teething pains, but is still APS even if it gets them sorted out.</p>

<p>For me, I think an A850 AND an A77 would be a good combo. But since I have neither, I'm thinking I'll skip the A77 and hope the A99 is all it can be. My A550 and medium format will suffice in the meantime.</p>

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<p>The current FF options are too old, and have none of the advantages of the A77</p>


<p>Depends what you're looking for, of course ;-)<br>

Like Jerry says, Thailand floods messed up production, although I do believe they established a new location a few weeks ago now so things are due to be shipped "around" in late January? Apparently a NEX-7 went for $3,761.00 USD recently, because of the demand (and crazy bidders)...</p>

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<br />Ha ha, I knew that would rankle someone. ;-)<br /><br />I didn't say the A850/900 didn't have their own advantages...they just don't have the same ones the A77 has. For example, they have twice the ISO performance according to DXOmark. You'd expect that from a sensor twice the size, but 2-3 years newer technology in the A77 should have closed that gap. I guess they made a 1/3 stop improvent, considering the pellicle.<br /><br />So, as you say, if you're looking for sheer image performance and legacy handling, the 850/900 are the ideal choice. But I have that now in my existing cameras.<br /><br />So I guess I'm asking to have my cake and eat it too. I want the A99 to have the image performance of the 850/900 at least, with hopefully some modernization added. Plus, I want all the whizbang features of the new technology. </p>

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<p>Well seeing as I just pre-ordered the NEX-7, together with my A900 I think I am sorted for a while. So the only thing I don't have is 12fps (not a big deal for me) and GPS (don't care). So for me to buy the A99, there would have to be a big improvement to what I already have.<br>

I think I would rather put my money into glass, or more film camera systems. lol</p>

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<p>I think Sony is really thrilled with the response to the a77; if the sales bear out the critical acclaim then I think they'll produce an a99 and compare a77-vs-a99 sales with the sales-performance of the a700-vs-a900. Assuming the a99 SLT does at least as well (relative to the a900 SLR) then I think Sony will stay their course and abandon SLR's altogether; they've said that's the plan. If the a99 "underperforms" in the market, then I think they might revise their strategy and bring back the SLR/OVF technology.<br>

Remember that Sony is in the business of selling products; if the a99 sells better than the a900 did, then Sony will feel that SLT was the right choice for the market.</p>

<p>- Steve S.</p>


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I too missed the chance to buy an A77 in December. In the intervening six weeks I flirted fairly seriously with the idea of

switching systems, probably to Nikon but I looked hard at the Canon 7D (and less hard at the 60D) as well. Anyway in the

end I stuck it out — and my Sony A77 just arrived. Well, it was worth the wait. Terrific camera, feels great, controls

extremely well laid out, can do flash ratio control (the A580 can't) and the EVF is brilliant literally and figuratively. Without

a doubt the best picture-taking tool I've ever handled.


My problem now is what to do about needed second camera. Keep A580? IQ is great but I hate working with two

cameras whose controls are so dissimilar. Buy a second A77? Probably will do that. Wish the A99 were coming out

sooner rather than later but it looks like it will be a miracle if it appears in 2012.



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<p>parv asks if I made a typo when I wrote, "What to do about <em>needed</em> second camera? Keep A580?"</p>

<p>Not really a typo. More a matter of leaving some details out — uncharacteristic for me.</p>

<p>Right now I have in my possession three DSLRs, or if you prefer, two DSLRs (A550 and A580) and one DSLT (A77). I don't really need <em>three</em> so I'll be selling at least one of these cameras. But for weddings especially I do need <em>two.</em> So, do I sell both of the old cameras and get another A77? Or do I keep one of the old cameras and if so, which one? Haven't made up my mind yet.</p>



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