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A65 Question


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<p>Hi All,<br>

I've placed an order for the new A65, only to find out that some of<br>

my lens will not work with this SLT....<br>

I have Tamron 200-500mm f/5-6.3 for my surfing shots here on Maui<br>

along with a Tamron 28-300, both of which are used on my A580...<br>

What I'm wondering is, whether or not I should cancel my order and<br>

just stay with the 580, which will accept all my glass that I have or try<br>

to find an adapter to make these work ???<br>

Mahalo in advance</p>

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<p>Ted,<br /><br />Where did you hear that those lenses won't work on the new camera? AFAIK, only really old Sigmas have problems on newer cameras, and that would include yours. <br /><br />Any lens that works on the A580 should work on newer cameras. No adapter would be possible, as it would affect the registration distance.<br /><br />Greg</p>
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<p>Hi Greg,<br>

I've talked with several folks, including the folks at Sony in Seattle...<br>

Something to do with the mounting ring.. I did call Tamron a bit ago<br>

and asked them if they were in market for making adapters for the A65<br>

and was told that NO they don't make adapters any more... Sigma on the<br>

other hand told me a completely different story and that their lenses WILL<br>

work with the new SLT cameras...<br>

I guess it's going to be a waiting game and see what really does work.</p>

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<p>Interesting. A seach of Google and the forums doesn't turn up this topid.</p>

<p>Sounds like Tamron has some physical overhang on the lens that didn't interfere with older cameras? Again, I can't imagine a scenario where an adapter would fix anything. A file, on the other hand... ;-)</p>

<p>And the Sigma lenses I'm referring to are the really old ones. </p>

<p>I have the 28-300 and the 300 2.8. We'll see.</p>

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<p>Like Greg, this is the first I've heard about any issues to be expected with Tamrons. Do you mean there's a problem with the exact dimensions of the a65 body mount? Have you tried your lenses on an a33/a35/a55 in a store, to verify fit and function with those?</p>

<p>Some Sigma lenses from recent past years won't work with SLTs including a33 through a55, so all the new Sigmas come with a label on the box that specifies they are compatible with Sony SLT models. (Really old Sigmas can have a problem of their own that prevents them from working with all but the earliest Minolta AF cameras but that's a different issue)</p>

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