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SLTs the future of Sony (bye bye SLR)


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<p>Someone one the dyxum forums translated the video more in-depth.<br>

I: Anders Ericsson photography specialist at Sony, you've recently announced four new system cameras, isn't that too many to launch at the same time? <br />A: Yea, you could think that! Well, we are about to enter a new market where we haven't been before, this early spring we launched a NEX camera that combines a system cameras qualities and video functions in HD, like in the NEX-5. We are now entering/looking at the system camera bodies and are now launching two different concepts. <br /> <br />I: These new cameras, A33 & A55, who is a whole new design from you, fixed mirror and so on, what type of customers are these aimed at and what are they competing against? <br />A: Well, they are aimed at the customers which today is pondering whether to buy a more expensive compact camera with video or invest a little but higher, maybe they are looking(comparing it with) at a Canon Eos 550D. <br /> <br />I: It sounds a little bit like this technique might be interesting for the hobby photographers/semi professional photographers who are using lenses such as an 70-200/2.8 and for example photographing sports, is there chance that we might see this technique in(implemented in) cameras with Optical Viewfinders or bigger and more professional? <br />A: Yes ofcourse, this is a new direction we are taking and going from the traditional DSLR's to the SLT segment, where the T stands for Translucent, means that this technique can be implemented in newer body concepts, so that is correct! <br /> <br />I: So, is there a chance that the A560 & A560 are the last models based on your traditional series? <br />A: Well, I can agree with that, that's true! <br /> <br />I: Now that you have chosen an Electronic Viewfinder on A33 & A55, and now that we are looking through it we see that not the whole viewfinder image is beeing rendered and not beeing used. Why is that? <br />A: Well, it's like this; this electronic viewfinder resolution have a total of 1.44 million dots/pixels(?) while the effective number of dots/pixels is 1.15 million, and this is why there is a "frame" around it that might look like an un-used are, and that is why we are stating that the effective resolution is 1.15 million dots/pixels! <br /> <br />I: Isn't it because of that the graphic card can't project so much of information, or what is the technical reason? <br /> A:That is a very good question but it could be that they have mainly been focused on improving the auto focus. <br /> <br />I: A55 & A33 has a fixed mirror and it does loose a bit of light, how big is this loss? <br />A: Well they are talking about half an f-stop measured before the software and the new sensor in these cameras should improve that loss of light over that the old A550 had. <br /> <br />I: So you are gaining/winning half an f-stop but at the same time you are risking to be half an f-stop behind all the other brands with their latest sensors. <br />A: Yea well we are hoping that the real tests/experiments, that you and the press in Sweden are going to do, are going to show better results than the 550! <br /> <br />I: Sony has recieved some criticism on the previous cameras when it comes to noise and we've seen now in the A550 & A500 that you have really worked on it and it is improved, do you think that Sony is going to be the 'Master of noise' in a few years? <br />A: The goal is for us to deliver really good images that shows really low noise, and what happend with the A550 was that we moved away from the traditional/classic CCD ,that we had on the lower end cameras, and implemented the EXMOR technique where we digitalize the light directly onto the sensor (bildplatta?) and that is why we are losing half an f-stop and improving the noise. <br /> <br />I: How about those who are owning the A700 and are hoping for a camera aimed at the more advanced users, when are they getting something? <br />A: Well that is another good question, it has been rumoured about an A750 but we haven't seen any internal press release yet so let us see what Photokina brings us!</p>

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<p>from what i and others understand. yes. no more OVF in any camera. SLTs even for FF. the only thing i can say otherwise, is perhaps the translation is off. but i am quite confident that sonys long term strategy will to phase out the OVF. even if they release 1 more OVF generation for A7xx or A9xx. </p>

<p>"I: So, is there a chance that the A560 & A560 are the last models based on your traditional series? <br />A: Well, I can agree with that, that's true! "</p>

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<p>Kevin B. wrote:</p>



<p>It appears its official, the A560 released original release in Oct is moved to early 2011.</p>


<p>Actually it looks more like good news:<br>

From Imaging Resource:</p>


<strong>Sony USA: A560 delayed, A580 coming to US market</strong>



<p>It appears that the demand for the NEX sensor has overwhelmed the production capability, so the A560 is delayed, and the A580 which wasn't going to be released in the US, but which uses a different sensor, will be released in the US this Fall.</p>



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