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What did your shutter catch this week?


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<p>Let's see more Minolta and Sony shots everyone! This saturday my wife and I went to show visitors the Getty Center in Santa Monica and caught this less-than-ideal parental example of the joys of pointing & shooting. Should have had the presence of mind to squat down, the result would undoubtedly have been more effective at the little girl's eye level and with plain sky as background rather than revealing any of the scenery behind the block wall.</p>

<p> </p><div>00UJgs-167789684.JPG.d754b2b8ecbe110f80995e7619341762.JPG</div>

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<p>Not sure if I'll ever be smart or quick enough to develop an eye for reportage photography & anticipate people's intentions and properly capture interesting street scenes or human behavior on camera! Bugs and birds are easier by comparison, when circumstances are right they fall more easily into repetitive patterns and so there's time to find the best POV, change lenses and catch them the next time(s) they pass by:</p>


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<p>And of course honesty compels me to confess the trick: this is not really a true fly-by shot but rather a hover-for-a-few-seconds holding pattern, thanks to a fairly stiff breeze and a miniature cove at water's edge. Almost every dragon fly passing by would pause there before moving further upwind. Here's a less dynamic pose of a Green Darter coasting on the breeze in almost the same spot:</p>

<p> </p><div>00UJhB-167795584.JPG.606b33e86417ea6a0dfeffc68d3d8cac.JPG</div>

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<p>Thanks Jiun - blush blush! As usual there were far more focusing misses than hits, it always looks more lucky when you don't see the many flops as well as the few successes :)</p>

<p>Rick, were you at or near the Grand Canyon? I went up there a few weeks ago (first time) and your shots remind me very much of the critters and landscape at the south rim.</p>

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<p>The cameras have been packed away except for a few quick San Diego skyline shots that I grabbed while down there a few days ago. They are actually still on my camera though. School started and I have five online courses that are gonna kick my butt. Here's a photo that I finally got around to printing a while back, and I just scanned the print about a week ago. It's along a walkway that leads from the parking lot to a local lake called Oso Flaco Lake, it's a really neat and relaxing place.<br>

<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3510/3838715857_f7a53fc712_o.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="547" /></p>

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<p>Bank holiday weekend vintage tractor show. All with A900 and Minolta 300mm f/4<br>

<img src="http://ukpressagency.com/Tractors/DSC01740-2.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="1200" /><br>

<img src="http://ukpressagency.com/Tractors/DSC01726.jpg" alt="" /><br>

<img src="http://ukpressagency.com/Tractors/DSC01752.jpg" alt="" /><br>

<img src="http://ukpressagency.com/Tractors/DSC01687.jpg" alt="" /></p>


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