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70-210 f4 Macro


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As the previous poster said, the 70-210mm f4 won't get close enough for real macro shots, and by the time you pay for a 500D diopter and/or extension tubes, you're up around the cost of a true macro lens. The 70-210mm f4 isn't sharp enough wide open to be a good portrait lens either.


For just over $300, you can get a mint used Canon EF 100mm f2.8 macro (non-USM), which is superbly sharp with nice bokeh. For portraits and macro, USM is not essential.


At $100 for the the 70-210mm f4 you have little to lose and, depending on your standards, it might work well for you in the short term. I was disappointed with mine years ago and sold it when I could afford an upgrade, but it could make a useful stopgap for you.

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I have this lens and I think for $100 it is worth it. The lens is well built, it has metal mount it's not like those cheap lens which has plastic mount, push and pull zoom style. I am thinking to get the 100-300 f4 Macro lens as well. I do not use marco that much so I can't tell you but if you check out this link for the pictures I took with the 70-210 F4 Marco lens.



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Quan: For the pictures in the folder you listed, you listed using the Canon 70-210 f/3.5-4.5 USM lens which is an entirely different lens from the Canon 70-210 f/4 that Derick is enquiring about. The USM has twist action zoom, the f/4 non-USM has push-pull zoom.


Derick: I had the 70-210 f/4 for a short while but did not use it much hence I cannot testify to its quality. It is very difficult to find reviews and testimonials for this lens on the net. I had a few links but deleted them - sorry :-(



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Hi Derick. I have some experience with EF 70-210 f/4. I have this lens. It is an early EOS lens, it was discontinued, probably because the autofocusing is not as good as the new lenses. I bought it for $80 here in Brazil (used in very good estate of conservation) and it's been nice to have around for the occasional telephoto shot. It has very good optics (remember the quality / price!), maybe similar to my 28-105: sharp, yet luminous, an very good portrait lens. One of the nicest things about the older lens is that it is f/4 throughout the zoom range... I like the constant f4 focal ratio.


In that ancient times, the famous Chasseurs d'Images lens test about the canon EF lens 70-210 f/4: PERFORMANCE:*** QUALITY/PRICE:*** " COTE D'AMOUR":****. For each lens is given notes from * to *****. Where: * weak,** intermediate,*** good, **** very good, ***** excellent. Photodo 2,8... very good from 70 to 135 f/5,6 or f/8

As you could see, the 70-210 f/4 has good notes for a zoom lens.


Now, the problems: It focuses slowly (much slower than a USM), it rotates the front element for focusing, and tipping the lens up or down causes it to change focal length unless you hold it in place. It's macro ability is not true macro: you still have to be about 1 meter away from your subject. Overall, by the price, buy one! You won't regret it.


All the best.


Joel Alves, from Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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Im surprised mine still works...My parents got it back in the 80's sometime and I've put it through quite a bit of abuse. I now have a 70-200 f/2.8L (the greatest lens ever BTW) and dont use this one much anymore unless its raining or snowing.


Focusing is extremely slow compared to USM and manual focus is rough, might be my lens though(Its got a bit of sand in it somewhere). Its still clean(glass), still works the way it should and takes decent pictures and for 100 bucks is definitly a good deal. Id be happy to get 80-100 for mine.




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  • 10 years later...

Yo, now 11 years later....I have found this post. I bought one of these about a year

ago as a means to add focal distance to my 24 105 l....had done nothing with it

until yesterday, stuck it on my 5dmk2 turned to monochrome...and there it was..I

had a black and white film look...I jumped for joy, I ran out and shot Shanghai on a

horrible day...cold, light going down...but I kept shooting until all I got was

darkness...it made me think that my preference for film may just be the nonsharp

image that comes from handling a non is or VR lens, perhaps I just enjoy a tad of blur in a pic...which is really the history if

film...shot without a tripod

I intend to explore this lens...it is in great condition, and that is a bonus considering

it's age..I'll toss up a few pics in a few days...think I'll take it out tomorrow..and try a

sunlight day so I can test out a few thoughts that are hitting me about the

lens...anyway, if you don't hear from me for 11 more years..I hope all is well..

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