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What did you shoot with your Minolta/Sony this weekend?


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<p>Interesting shots Howard - looking foward to spring shots this year. I haven't taken any typical spring flower type shots since my film days, but I'm hoping to get a few bluebell scenes this year (they're just starting to bud!). Are your shots a straight RAW-JPEG conversion? They look like they could need brightening up a little.</p>

<p>Nothing this weekend yet, but as I'm still on my easter break I had time to do a few shots that I need for my art class.<br>

<img src="http://gallery.photo.net/photo/8986959-lg.jpg " alt="" width="1000" height="706" /><br>

<strong>A700, 8/3.5 @ f/11, bracketed</strong></p>

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<p>This is one of my shots from this week (easter break), I didn't get to shoot anything this weekend. Looking for some opinions, is the Sepia or Color version better? I like them equally, but hopefully you have a preference. :-)</p>



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<p>Hi Guys, here are my two cents from this weekend. Today is my last day abroad after a six-week trip through Europe (work, but trying to get some relatively decent critter pix along the way of anything that happens to sit still and close enough along the way). I wasn't expecting to have time or luck left to catch anything interesting, but here are two pix I'm relatively happy with despite using rather unlikely lenses for the purpose: </p><div>00T78r-126483684.JPG.b9cabc68f1ec7b167a3659f23713153a.JPG</div>
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<p>And this little guy was caught at about six yards in a bush behind a big ugly supermarket, its buddies had been hopping overhead through trees in different cities I visited over the past weeks but never posed close enough or free from twigs interfering with my line of sight. I used my 500 f8 reflex lens right through the bush and against the light, despite the unpromising setup and light-hungry lens it didn't come out half as fuzzy or blown-out as I expected.</p><div>00T79K-126489584.JPG.8643f6521520b97f47d45a2284fbe01d.JPG</div>
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<p>Thanks a terrific showing for the 500/8 lens there Paul - you seem to be working really well with that one!</p>

<p>Chris, could you post these larger somewhere? It's hard to judge with such small samples to view.</p>

<p>Bill, that's an interesting composition you've put together! The thing that bothers me is the man crouched on the floor at the back... if it was moving light your PS work suggests, he would be in pretty serious trouble! Maybe some extensive cloning could get rid of him?</p>

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<p>Yeah Rich, No prob. I'll post both versions in my portfolio. Be sure to check them out.</p>

<p>Very nice shots by all, I must add.</p>

<p>Paul, What is the brightness in the top of your first picture? Maybe it would look better cropped?</p>

<p>Rich, I especially like your work that I've seen in your portfolio that is similar to the picture you posted here.</p>

<p>Happy Shooting, Chris.</p>

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<p>Bill, that's an interesting composition you've put together! The thing that bothers me is the man crouched on the floor at the back... if it was moving light your PS work suggests, he would be in pretty serious trouble! Maybe some extensive cloning could get rid of him?</p>


<p>It's a sidecar, which has a two man team. See <a href="http://www.superside.com/">Superside</a></p>

<p>I don't think the driver would be too happy to find his passenger had been disappeared when he hit a corner :)</p>

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<p>Yeah Rich, No prob. I'll post both versions in my portfolio. Be sure to check them out.</p>


<p>Thanks Chris. Look forward to taking a browse!</p>


<p>Rich, I especially like your work that I've seen in your portfolio that is similar to the picture you posted here.</p>


<p>Thanks :) - I'm putting together a small presentation at the moment - I'll add you to the 'recipients' list.</p>


<p>It's a sidecar, which has a two man team. See <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.superside.com/" target="_blank">Superside</a><br>

I don't think the driver would be too happy to find his passenger had been disappeared when he hit a corner :)</p>


<p>Thanks for getting back to me Bill :). I must admit, I know nothing of these things, but I was aware they hold two people... just, the person seems to not actually be inside the vehicle, but rather dragging behind.. ?</p>

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<p>Fantastic photos everyone! There's some really creative and beautiful stuff here. This is a stitch of 6 vertical shots with my A900 and Sigma 100-300 f4 from this weekend. The resolution is amazing and I could easily make a 24x60 from this to rival drum scanned 6x17 film. Not that I will ever likely print this; I'm still waiting for spring to get here and bring the subjects I really like to shoot.</p><div>00T7wb-126905584.jpg.434486714c005fc6e51578ec83fcb2d0.jpg</div>
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