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Sony A700 GPS Exif - software, some problems and solution.


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<p>Hello everyone.<br>

<br /> I have recently started messing with some EXIF information. Especially I'm interested in GeoTagging and providing some additional informations for my pictures. Problem is with finding correct tools. What I'd like to do is to Geotag my original .ARW files, so I don't have to update such data each time I convert .ARW to other formats. I was also looking for additional options like adding Captions and setting orientation of the picture (this was mainly for some older files - jpg I had from previous camera).<br>

<br /> So I have started with Picasa. It read my original ARW file. I geotagged it using Google Earth (build in function in Picasa). Hurray, picture marked as geotagged. However ...</p>

<p> My build-in paranoia told me that it is too easy to be true. So I have renamed the file. Opened the picassa ... suprise, suprise: no geotag.</p>

<p> So I tried another piece of software calles Exif Pilot. Hurray! not only I could update the GPS information, but also write into ARW file. Choosing the coordinates is kind of awkward but I found a simpler way. I have created small JPG, positioned it using Picassa, opened its GPS info using Exif Pilot and coppied value described as "decimal degree". Exif Pilot (Pro version) even allows updating files in batches. Perfect. However ....</p>

<p> Once again my build-in paranoia told me that it is too easy to be true. So again I have renamed pictures, opened in picasa and ... they all had geotags. I opened google earth information and ... Location of all my family pictures was ... next door (neighbours that we hate). So there is a problem. Back to Exif Pilot to find the reason, and after few minutes I have discovered, that Exif Pilot does not save coordinates with enough precision. The best you can get is degrees,minutes,seconds , but not decimals of second. It might not be huge difference, but for precision freaks like me it is devaststing.</p>

<p> So I tried another piece of software. This time it was PhotoMe. Very nice piece of software. Suprisingly it showed details about lens (which i could not see in Exif Pilot). I got to GPS data and was able to update it with perfect coordinates. Hurray. Few more tests and finally my photo was updated. However...</p>

<p> Once I have opened the picture that didn't have GPS data yet, PhotoMe didn't allow me to update suchinformation. Not bad, not great.</p>

<p><strong>Final process</strong></p>


<li>I put dummy coordinates and update all original ARW files using Exif Pilot.</li>

<li>I find the correct coordinates using Picassa/Google Earth</li>

<li>I update original ARW files using Photo Me (one at the time).</li>


<p> If anyone have better ideas, please let me know.</p>


Picasa : <a href="http://picasa.google.com/">http://picasa.google.com/</a><br />PhotoMe : <a href="http://www.photome.de/">http://www.photome.de/</a><br />Exif Pilot: <a href="http://www.colorpilot.com/exifpro.html">http://www.colorpilot.com/exifpro.html</a></p>

<p><br /><strong>Additional Notes:</strong><br>

1) Exif Pilot Pro cost approx 40$. (more in Europe as it adds VAT). Only Pro version allows batch updates. If you don't need batch processing, then there is normal version for 20$.<br>

2) Photo Me is freeware. PhotoMe also allows changing of original orientation settings. Suprisingly it doesn't allow changing the title of the image! GPS data has to be already attached to be able to modify.</p>

<p>Have fun.<br>


Marcin J</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Thanks Marcin! </p>

<p>Wow -- that's a lot of effort, and very, very good documentation and sharing. You might as well join and read everything at <a href="http://www.IPTC.org/">http://www.IPTC.org/</a> and <a href="http://metadataworkinggroup.org/">http://metadataworkinggroup.org/</a> and let them know what we are up against.</p>

<p>Question back at ya:</p>

<p>Are you geotagging for<br>

<em>-- photographer's position</em><br>


<em>-- subject position</em><br>

... as they are separate metadata fields. </p>

<p>Which are you tagging?</p>

<p>Also read and join the follow thread here:</p>

<h1>Image Tagging has arrived on photo.net.....BETA!</h1>

<p><a href="../site-help-forum/00SYyK">http://photo.net/site-help-forum/00SYyK</a></p>

<p>Also see:<br>

<a href="http://metadataworkinggroup.org/specs/">http://metadataworkinggroup.org/specs/</a><br>

<a href="http://metadataworkinggroup.org/pdf/mwg_guidance.pdf">http://metadataworkinggroup.org/pdf/mwg_guidance.pdf</a><br>

<a href="http://www.controlledvocabulary.com/pdf/IPTC_mapped_fields.pdf">http://www.controlledvocabulary.com/pdf/IPTC_mapped_fields.pdf</a><br>

<a href="http://www.controlledvocabulary.com/imagedatabases/iptc_core_mapped.pdf">http://www.controlledvocabulary.com/imagedatabases/iptc_core_mapped.pdf</a><br>

<a href="http://www.organizepictures.com/2009/01/methods-for-geotagging-pictures">http://www.organizepictures.com/2009/01/methods-for-geotagging-pictures</a><br>

<a href="http://www.brewzone.com/2008/09/geocoding-your-images">http://www.brewzone.com/2008/09/geocoding-your-images</a></p>

<p>Google search for [exit metadata geotag iptc] and so on:<br>

<a href="http://www.google.com/search?q=exif+metadata+geotag+fields">http://www.google.com/search?q=exif+metadata+geotag+fields</a></p>


<p>Metadata Specifications<br>

Exif 2.21/DCF 2.0<br>

Official Exif specifications are available in paper form and can be ordered on the JEITA website.<br>

IPTC-IIM 4.1<br /> <a href="http://www.iptc.org/std/IIM/4.1/specification/IIMV4.1.pdf">http://www.iptc.org/std/IIM/4.1/specification/IIMV4.1.pdf</a><br>

IPTC Core 1.0<br /> <a href="http://www.iptc.org/std/Iptc4xmpCore/1.0/specification/Iptc4xmpCore_1.0-spec-XMPSchema_8.pdf">http://www.iptc.org/std/Iptc4xmpCore/1.0/specification/Iptc4xmpCore_1.0-spec-XMPSchema_8.pdf</a><br>

IPTC Core 1.1 & IPTC Extension 1.0<br /> <a href="http://www.iptc.org/std/photometadata/2008/specification/IPTC-PhotoMetadata-2008_1.pdf">http://www.iptc.org/std/photometadata/2008/specification/IPTC-PhotoMetadata-2008_1.pdf</a><br>

XMP<br /> <a href="http://www.adobe.com/devnet/xmp/pdfs/xmp_specification.pdf">http://www.adobe.com/devnet/xmp/pdfs/xmp_specification.pdf</a></p>

<p>File Format Specifications<br>

JPEG<br /> <a href="http://www.jpeg.org/jpeg/index.html">http://www.jpeg.org/jpeg/index.html</a><br>

TIFF<br /> <a href="http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/tiff/TIFF6.pdf">http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/tiff/TIFF6.pdf</a><br>

PSD/PSIRs<br /> <a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/psir">http://www.adobe.com/go/psir</a></p>


RDF<br /> <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-schema">http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-schema</a><br>

Dublin Core<br /> <a href="http://dublincore.org/documents/dces">http://dublincore.org/documents/dces</a><br>

RFC2119<br /> <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt">http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt</a><br>

Date and Time (W3C)<br /> <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime">http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime</a></p>

<p>We all seem to be very concerned about this, and all surprised at the lack of ready standards, and the overwhelming ambiguity of what's out there! Flickr, for instance, combines existing fields into it's own new tags as if the existing tags were 100% equivalent -- they are not. This is the conflict between:<br>

-- <em><strong>taxonomies</strong> ,</em> controlled vocabularies<br>

... and<br>

-- <strong><em>folksonomies</em> </strong> , collaborative and social tagging, classification, and indexing.</p>

<p><em><strong>Both</strong> </em> are needed, <em><strong>neither</strong> </em> has a dedicated space or any useful standard, hence Marchin's arduous and custom approach. We're all doing it, one way or another.</p>

<p>For instance, I consider <em><strong>filename</strong> </em> and operating system-applied data to be valuable metadata, and I HATE when subsequent systems toss it away. Flickr renames the files I upload. Why? My filename was meaningful!</p>

<p>And this Obama portrait artwork debacle was avoidable IF the image had metadata AND the subsequent people AND systems honored such metadata. Argh! See:<br>

<a href="http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/02/05/ap-says-it-owns-image-in-obama-poster/">http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/02/05/ap-says-it-owns-image-in-obama-poster/</a><br>

... versus:<br>

<a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/10/arts/design/10fair.html?ref=arts">http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/10/arts/design/10fair.html?ref=arts</a></p>


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<p>Peter: Thanks for the info. As for your questions I mostly geotag photographer location. Of course I'd love to mark both. And even better mark location of fotographer and direction of photo. And so on (we can get even to depth field settings ;) ). And finally I completely agree that renaming files by Picassa is blasphemy ;) I will look into all links you have sent and probably will have some comments soon.</p>

<p>John: Yep Geosetter is great for geotagging, but I preffer to have all info in my original file (not some sidecar files). Sadly, when trying to do so in Geosetter you get information "Error: ExifTool does not yet support writing to ARW files" (ExifTool was previous version of Geosetter. So it doesn't work for me.</p>

<p>Marcin J</p>


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<p>Hey, Marcin,</p>

<p>I'd LOVE for metadata to actaully contain a recipie for reconstructing the image as much as possible, including all info on camera placement -- height above sea level for that date, azimuth, N/S/E/W orientation and aim, and so on. </p>

<p>Angle of view, timing/duration of exposure, lighting, date, subject/focus distance and such are already derivable from current EXIF metadata, I guess.</p>

<p>There are different XML fields for <b><i>photographer location</i></b> versus <b><i>subject location</i></b>, such as a photographer in New Jersey taking a shot of the New York City skyline -- TWO pieces of conflicting metadata to store and retrieve.</p>


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<p>Note also that different photo stock agencies have different meaning for the same tags, such as a "looking at the camera" descriptive tag -- does this mean the <i>subject is looking at the photographer</i>, or <i>this is a photograph of another photographer who is looking at their own camera</i>? </p>

<p>The photo metadata tagging ambiguities are endless, and there is no resolution in sight.</p>


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<p>As stated in original post what I'm trying to achieve is to create workflow for processing my pictures. What I want to achieve is to geotag and add some information to original .ARW files. Those files will be stored in different locations, but when needed I'd like to convert them to .JPG with preserving as much information as possible. Additionaly I'd like to avoid sidecar files.</p>

<p>So I listed steps that I'd like to perform:</p>


<li>Shoot Photo (duh) </li>

<li>Add title, artist and maybe some other text informations</li>

<li>Add geotag (a this moment photographer position)</li>

<li>Save EXIF data in .ARW file</li>

<li>Convert .ARW file to .JPG</li>

<li>Use the .JPG while having lot of information about picture.</li>


<p>I decided to test different applications and find out what is useful for me and what is not.<br />Please be advised that in some cases trial versions were used. So here are my comments:</p>

<p><strong>ExifPilot 3.6.0 </strong><br>


Dedicated EXIF editor. I will keep an eye on it and check for updates. It would benefit greately from integration with any mapping service. The only software that allowed me to update title, artist and few other fields in .ARW file. Good batch processing features. Few different versions available: Lite is free and only for reading EXIF info. Demo version is free, but allows only 3 editings of EXIF information per session (you have to close and start aplication again), Normal version cost aprox 30$ and allows all operations except batch processing. Pro version cost 40$ and have all options enabled.<br>

<em>Link: </em><br>

<a href="http://www.colorpilot.com/products.html">http://www.colorpilot.com/products.html</a><br>




<li>Saves EXIF to .ARW file</li>

<li>Allows batch processing</li>




<li>Does not allow decimals in GPS seconds.</li>

<li>Awkward typing of GPS info (no integration with any map)</li>

<li>Opening changed file with Sony Image Data Converter gives the error "Cannot open ***.ARW. The file may be corrupted". It was testing with changes to different combinations of Image Description, Artist, Copyright and GPS data. The same file opened with Paint Shop Pro, Photo Me and other software worked fine. </li>

<li>Does display most of the Sony Manufacturers tags as "unknown" (so no lens info)</li>


<p><strong>PhotoMe 0.79R17 (build 856)</strong><br>


One of the best. While it is free it has more options than many of the comercial applications. It is possible to export to text file in different formats. Allows manipulation of some EXIF data. Programmer is mostly concentrating on Nikon cameras, but even so this software displays a lot of sony EXIF info. I was especially suprised with Object detection EXIF information (in Manufcaturer notes). It is partially integrated with mapping services (can display location). Also for other manufacturers hav some interesting options regarding color setting or overlay of focus points over image. Overally I highly reccomend it and it is worth supporting.<br>


<a href="http://www.photome.de">http://www.photome.de</a><br>



<li>Display some of Manufacturers information like Lens info. </li>

<li>Changing most of the values does not cause error in Sony Image Data Converter.</li>


<li>Lot of Sony specific EXIF info.</li>


<p>Bad: </p>


<li>Cannot insert GPS data if it doesn't exist already</li>

<li>Does not allow changing Image title, Artist or Copyright.</li>


<p><strong>GeoSetter 3.0.14 (build 1022)</strong><br>


It took me some time to get used to this one. Again, not being able to save ARW files was the worst defect. It is however possible to create some information in external file. Overally not bad, but useless for me.<br>


<a href="http://www.geosetter.de/en/">http://www.geosetter.de/en/</a><br>



<li>Simple geotagging using google map.</li>


<p><em>Bad:<br /></em></p>


<li>Does not allow writing EXIF into .ARW file. Information can be stored in sidecar file.</li>


<p><strong>RoboGeo 5.6</strong><br>


Dedicated software for geotagging. Plenty of options to import data from GPSs and files.<br>


<a href="http://www.robogeo.com/home/">http://www.robogeo.com/home/</a><br>



<li>Lot of options for geotagging </li>

<li>Import data from external GPSs</li>

<li>Integration with Google Earth</li>


<p><em>Bad:<br /></em></p>


<li>Some interface functions are not user-friendly</li>

<li>Does not save into .ARW file.</li>


<p><strong>BreezeBrowser Pro 1.9.3</strong><br>


Not very high on my list. Does not allow editing EXIF info. Other than that it is just regular organizing software<br>


<a href="http://www.breezesys.com/">http://www.breezesys.com/</a><br>



<li>Integration with Google Earth</li>

<li>Import data from external GPSs</li>

<li>Editing sidecar .xmp files</li>




<li>Does not save into .ARW file.</li>

<li>Does not allow editing EXIF tags</li>


<p><br /><strong>PicaJet 5.3.0 (build 527)</strong><br>


Organizng software. Does not have geotagging. The god side is creating categories, relations between them etc. Very limited EXIF features. However when looking for just organizning it might be worth looking into.<br>


<a href="http://www.picajet.com/en/index.php">http://www.picajet.com/en/index.php</a><br>



<li>Lot of options for creating and assigning categories.</li>


<p><em>Bad: </em></p>


<li>Opening specific files is awkward. I understand that it is organizning software, but there should be option to open single image without "importing"</li>

<li>Very limited EXIF info</li>

<li>Does not save into .ARW file.</li>


<p><strong>Phaint Shop Pro Photo X2 12.50 Ultimate</strong><br>


Photo editing software. Slightly different from Photoshop, but plenty of interesting features. Allows batch processing and conversion of images (for example from .ARW to .JPEG).<br>

<em>Issue:</em> <br>

I found a very strange issue here. If the original file was not modified, then all the tags were read without problems. However if I change Title or Artist using ExifPilot, the Paint Shop Pro truncates those values (reads them corectly, but without last letter). It also happens in batch conversion. All other applications display those values without problems. I'm in the process of reporting this to corel, but so far I'm getting "bugger off" answers like "Use shorter values".<br>


<a href="http://www.corel.com/">http://www.corel.com/</a><br>



<li>Great Photo Editing software</li>

<li>Batch conversion from .ARW files</li>




<li>Does not save into .ARW file.</li>


<p><strong>Sony Image Data Converter SR</strong><br>


Software received on CD with camera. Some converting opions, curves, change of color settings etc. Quite interesting, but not without faults.<br>

<em>Good:<br /></em></p>


<li>Preserves the manufacturer notes in EXIF (like lens information)</li>




<li>Does not allow editing EXIF info (even Image Title)</li>

<li>After converting, some other software (PhotoMe) displays error about "The address of Manufacturer notes tag PreviewImage is out of the Exif segment-bounds".</li>

<li>Recognizes changed files as "corrupted"</li>


<p><strong>Picasa 3.1.0 (build 70.73.0 for windows XP)</strong><br>


Free organizng software. Nice and clean, however geotag is not stored in ARW file.<br>


<a href="http://picasa.google.com/">http://picasa.google.com/</a><br>

<em>Good:<br /></em></p>


<li>Integration with Google Earth</li>

<li>Overally nice organizing software</li>




<li>Rename files when uploading</li>

<li>Does not store geotag within .ARW file.</li>


<p><strong>Opanda IExif 2.3,</strong><br>


While on their website it is stated that it can read manufacturer notes (for Sony), it just shows gibberish (i used JPG converted using Sony software). User interface has mac look and feel, but overally is quite annoying. I was unable to open .ARW files. Message "The function must be supported in Pro version". I will not risk buying this.<br>


<a href="http://www.opanda.com/en/iexif/">http://www.opanda.com/en/iexif/</a><br>



<li>nothing good noticed</li>




<li>Annoying interface</li>

<li>Not able to test properly without paying</li>

<li>Does not display Sony manufacturer notes in user-readable format</li>

<li>Errors in translation.<br /> </li>


<p><strong>Opanda PowerExif 1.2</strong><br>


Even worse than IExif. The same problems as above, but I couldn't even try to open .ARW file.<br>


<a href="http://www.opanda.com/en/iexif/">http://www.opanda.com/en/iexif/</a><br>



<li>nothing good noticed</li>




<li>Annoying interface</li>

<li>Does not display any Sony manufacturer notes.</li>

<li>Errors in translation.</li>




Specialized software for importing GPS data into Geotags. I was unable to use it due to lack of GPS file. I don't know if it can rad/write .ARW files.<br>


<a href="http://www.br-software.com/download.html">http://www.br-software.com/download.html</a> <br>



<li>It seems to be able to batch process</li>




<li>Need the GPS file to operate.</li>


<p><strong>What next ?</strong><br>

I'm going to test few more applications. On my list there are:<br /> </p>



<li>Photoshop CS4</li>

<li>ACDsee </li>


<li>Sony GPS software (that comes with GPS-CS1)</li>

<li>IDImager<br /> </li>


<p>I will post additional information as soon as I will have it.<br>


<p>Marcin Jankowski<br /> </p>

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