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Raw PP with PSE 6.0


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After raw conversion, the file opens in photoshop elements using .psd format. Finish any corrections you need to

make and "save as" filexyz.psd all layers intact.


Flatten layers, resize to wanted size, do the final sharpen , change to 8 bit from 16 bit, and "save as" file

xyz.JPEG ( pick JPEG from the list of options). That file is now a finished product.


If you need a different size, go back to the .psd and do the whole thing again. When you save this time, use a

different name such as file xyz 8x10.JPEG. By using the size in the name, you know what size it is without

opening it and you do not overwrite the filexyz.JPEG losing that one.


.PSD is an uncompressed file so you can open and manipulate at will without loss. JPEGS will develope artifacts

if you open and change and resave them.


JPEGs are by definition only 8 bit, so failing to change to 8 will not allow the JPEG option to be selected.

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