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A700 and long exposures


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Has anyone here tried doing long exposure, night-time photos with their a700?

I've got the a100 and it gets a lot of bloom on the sensor with long (greater

than a few seconds). I'm hoping the a700 is more in line with the Canon 20D or

5D - both of which do pretty well at long expsoures due to their CMOS sensor.



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Perhaps "bloom" is not the right term.


On shots of around 30 and longer (I tried up to 400 seconds), in addition to an overall noisiness, I get a purple tint eminating from both of the upper corners of the frame fading in tint as you get away from the corners. The purple tint decreased the contrast of the original scene in the corners.


I'm not sure what you are seeing on your photo. Do you mean the flare coming off the lights?

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Ah, I have heard of what you describe, though I haven't experienced it yet. This came up on www.dyxum.com (another forum) as well. <a href="http://www.dyxum.com/dforum/forum_posts.asp?TID=20629&KW=purple&PN=1">Link to relevant thread here</a>. Unfortunately, too few people are shooting w/the A700 as of yet, so no one over at dyxum has tried a long exposure w/the A700 either. Still, you might find the info in that link helpful.<p>


To deal with the purple corners on the A100 you'll have to turn on NR for exposures 30 sec. or over, according to the people on the dyxum board. No other way around it, apparently.<p>


As for my photo, it is a flare problem, but a weird one -- it only appeared with very small apertures (f/22 in this case). I was using the kit lens, though, so it may have lackluster coatings or something. There are also some odd reflections that might've come from my leaving the viewfinder uncovered (I was beneath a street light when I took this shot). Wish I could be of more help. I don't own an A700. Perhaps someone else will chime in.

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