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Miami photography


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I was hoping someone could suggest some good natural areas to

photograph in Feb. and March. I was hoping to find some spots that

are within an hours drive of Miami, especially out of the way or

little known spots. I'll be doing scenic, macro, wildlife or

anything else that walks infront of my camera.




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Fairchild Tropical Garden for macrophotography on plants and flowers!!!-10901 Old Cutler Road.

Jimbo's Place in Virginia Key for a mix of interesting local spot and scenic old boat ramp, nature.

Everglades National Park. A bit overrated.

South Beach for a bit of glamour.

Calle Ocho for folklore and local taste.

B&W and guts and go Overtown to capture the inner city.

Good luck.

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Everglades is a nice place, I don't say is not but your choices of subjects for pictures are a bit limited.Don't confine yourself to ONLY the Everglades, Miami has a lot of picture potential to offer besides the Everglades. Take it from a local ;-).
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I agree that there are many places a nature photographer could visit in the Miami area. You've listed some (and I would even include places like Big Cypress or Biscayne as other options). But it would be "malpractice" to ignore the fact that the Everglades at the peak of the bird season tops the list of places to shoot. I would substantially disagree that photo ops there are limited. I also shot scenics and macros there, including some nice morning glory and sunrise/sunset shots.


I appreciate that you are a "local" but sometimes "locals" may not always appreciate the significance of what they have at their doorstep.

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Dick,as you said,

"I appreciate that you are a "local" but sometimes "locals" may not always

appreciate the significance of what they have at their doorstep."


You may be hittig the nail on the head, some times we get used to our enviroment that we don't appreciate the true beauty of some of it, we overlook it, take as granted, as part of our daily scenarary and we don't stop to dwell on the details with fresh eyes and new perpestive. Sometimes we should put on the shoes of a non native and look around. I think is the best approach to find new "windows" for our pictures.You're opening my eyes.

Thank you,


P.D. Ian, If you want, send me an email when you're coming down,if I have the time(most likely)and you want, I may help you find the places,kind of guide;).Compliments of a fellow of Photo.Net.

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Robert, I am actually in the same boat. I kid that "I live midway between Milwaukee and Chicago -- not a lot of great scenery but we have great airports." Actually, www.chicagowilderness.org opened my eyes to some of the stuff around me that I never thought much about. In fact, I found more Jack-in-the-pulpits to shoot 15 miles from my house than in the Smokies!
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Well I want to thank everyone for their suggestions. I'm actually a student at the University of Miami, and now that I have time between classes I'm looking to take more photos. Over the past few years I've spent over 100 days in the everglades ( mostly flamingo) but I was always fishing or canoeing. Now I need to go back and really try to photograph what brought me to miami in the first place, hopefully before I graduate. I did go to Jimbo's today and was happy to see such a laid back and interesting place. Cheap beer and some great pictures of old shrimp boats. I'm looking forward to trying the Anhinga trail and some of the other places suggested.


Thanks again,


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You're welcome.UM, what a surprise, I will never figure out and I live less than one mile from there. Glad that you liked Jimbo's place.

You will also enjoy Fairchild Tropical Park for macro photography as well as the other places. Have fun.


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