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moderators wanted for this forum


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VERY INTERESTING!!! I wonder how strict they (photo.net) will be in enforcing the 'rules'? Since this is the Sony/Minolta SLR System Forum, will they not allow discussion of Minolta rangefinders, the Autocord, etc.? Will some posters that seem to diviate from the main subject be subject to censorship? If a question is speculative in nature, such as "what wil Sony future hold," will that be disallowed?While there has been some abusive discussions in the past, I hardly think that limiting discussions will be useful. It may make for a boring forum and drive away people.
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I've acted as a moderator on other (ostensibly very strictly controlled ) forums and its a balance that I doubt I ever got totally right. Go in too hard and the people who have a lot of opinions, express them strongly (and make the place interesting) leave. Go too soft and spirited debate descends into abuse and the more thoughtful posters (who make the forum valuable) leave.


In general I'd say that no topic is really "off limits" - the herd decides whats interesting by responding (or not). Byplay on marginal issues is the chat that builds relationships so I reckon moderators (unless time/space is an issue) should let that go pretty freely.


How things are said is another matter altogether but this isnt a workplace, attendance here is totally voluntary, reading stuff is your choice, and no one is forced to put up with conduct they dont like so I reakon the moderators really should apply a pretty light touch there also.

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Intersting posts so far - might be a good thing as the Sony era kicks off, and the influx of new posters arrives to this forum. I mean it is always better to anticipate a problem and never have to use the corrective measure, than to be caught with the pants down so to speak.<BR><BR>

I don't think we'd have to be heavy handed in this forum at all, but a little guidence in the past could have done wonders for a handful of threads that went by the wayside.<BR>

I'll think about it - if I have the time or not to do this - maybe I could be the younger counterpart with you, Peter.<BR>


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I, for one, would not care to see a certain someone who has volunteered, to become moderator for this forum. That individual has gone O/T more than most, and the length of that individual's post is often longer than the rest of the other posters remarks combined. A moderator's 'job' is to ensure an orderly discussion and not to dominate the conversation. The one good point that certain someone has to offer, is that he has stated in the past, that he is not one to favor censoring discussions. Therefore, I'm sure he would allow discussions on non-SLR items.


Perhaps, photo.net will allow the rest of the forum to vote for the moderators that will 'control' the discussion. Each person that wants to be chosen can make a statement that will be offered to the residents of the forum and who will be given a certain amount of time to vote. The top two vote getters will become moderators, for a two year period, or until he or she resigns, which ever is shorter.

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I believe that Peter would put on his air-raid warden's hat and do a fine job adopting a moderator's persona. I think we should allow him to have a second logon name so we know which persona we are seeing. I would bet that moderator Peter would even delete some of member Peter Blaise's postings ;)<div>00I5bk-32439084.jpg.ce7b01efbdeb7ec6c622000f920a660e.jpg</div>
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<i>> Hey, Sony/Minolta-folks, why don't WE do this?: <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00I5AR&unified_p=1">M8 discussion</a></i>


<br/><br/>i supppose if Konica, Minolta, Sony, or whoever else comes along to join the α club (please, Please PLEASE Someone else soon! Sony frightens the heck out of me.) ever puts out a camera named M8 ... they would deserve that kind of thread;-)

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The M8 affair is just the sort of thing that makes a forum too off topic and should be removed. If I can make a suggestion - why not create a new forum or something for the folk that like this sort of thing. Call it "Misc. rants" or something. Then the moderators can move something like that to the misc forum instead of deleating it.


Actually the M8 post started off while a non-sequitar remark. What makes me think moderators are definatly needed are the posts that start off serious and then degrade to off topic unrelated chat. Or when name calling and cursing starts.

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What is so wrong with the M8 message thread? Notice how many different posters contributed a reply? There is no abusive posts and everyone kept their posts short. Everyone had a fun time, and if you didn't like the thread then just ignore it and go to another.


From what was posted as the responsibility of a moderator, it appears that photo.net is more concerned with having posts that are will be viewed on Google years from now, rather than having a dynamic meeting place for photo enthusiasts. Furthermore, a look at the background of the people at photo.net, I see that Philip for example, is an MIT grad. Maybe they are too 'ivory tower' and not enough 'plain people' in their running of the forum. If photo.net is supposed to be a learning place where someone who has a question on how to use a piece of equipment or how to take a picture, then everyone who posts a reply should have to list their qualifications to answer the question. If that is the case then there would be few replies.


As I see it, the forums should be a get-together, where you can discuss freely things of interest and exchange ideas, as long as one is not abusive. Just like going into your neighborhood bar, or pub, and having a few beers with friends.

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You should see the odd-couples I'm already co-moderating with on other boards -- wonderful people from all over the world, and especially, get this -- GIRLS! =8^o I know, I know, unheard of in a photography GEAR chat group, eh what?


I'm honored to offer my support for fellow photo.net members.




Love and hugs,


Peter Blaise peterblaise@yahoo.com Minolta Rokkor Alpha DiMage Photographer http://www.peterblaisephotography.com/


PS - A few of the other groups I co-moderate, if you're interested in joining or co-moderating elsewhere, too:


http://groups.yahoo.com/ ... alphabetically:
















































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Chad, I see you had the same reaction, I had. Hope you are willing to volunteer, as I think you'll be fair, in spite of some past spats between us. (or was that Craig? :-))


Besides yourself, I think Michael Horner has the technical expertise to monitor the situation on this forum. Plus, he has always been cordial in this posts. There are a couple of others I think would be okay.


Perhaps, instead of asking for volunteers, photo.net should review past posts on this forum and ask those posters they find agreeable to act as moderators.

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Speaking as a longtime lurker on this forum: I only contribute in spurts - when I actually know something about the topic at hand - no point in being a "me too" or a "if no one knows here's my guess" contributor.


The extended chats are useful - gives us all a chance to pipe in even if we don't have expert knowledge. Also, over time I develop a sense of who knows their stuff and who is too willing to make WAGs.


What I perceive as Phil G's charge is too narrow. Conversation and even numb skull comments make community. If we just want to leave wisdom for the ages then let's scrap the forums and just build a wiki.


Sometimes I check in twice a day - sometimes not for weeks. My notion of what is fresh or stale is much longer than what the powers that be seem to hint at. I want to see the give and take long after the fact.


My 2 cents.<div>00I7kk-32497784.jpg.c30d2009eae495d6e110587d9de0efe4.jpg</div>

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As far as what is and is not on topic, I feel that a much broader definition is better. Whether it be about maxxum AF cameras, SR's, or even the Pentax K10D (the conversation will come back to how it compares to the A100 and what it means to Sony quickly)


There is a general discussion board on this forum, and even a Digital Camera board, so which is more appropriate? I don?t know anybody on those boards. I am not sure about others, but I am on a short list of forums like this because I do not have the time to be on a long list of forums like this. But here, like Andrew said, you get to know who is who.


Disagreements are great. It challenges people to consider other ideas. But it takes both people who are disagreeing to realize that they don?t know everything, and that the other person's perspective is completely relevant and legitimate to that person.


The thing that is really, really damaging is personal attacks. I have been fairly dismayed by some of the attacks made by some people how profess themselves as adults. I am sure others feel the same way. I would ask them, but most of them have left.



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Thank you for your sharing. If I read your post correctly, you would prefer that co-moderators encourage and set an example for showing respect for each other's contributions here, right?






What if there were a photo.net robot reading the above posts for content that meets the criteria below that we all probably DO NOT READ before clicking [submit]:


"... Please take a moment to ask yourself if what you're about to post is going to be useful to the person who asked the question ..."


"... Then ask yourself if, when someone stumbles upon this exchange four years from now via a Google search, they are going to say 'that was worth my time to read' ..."


... which of the above posts would survive THAT scrutiny?




Love and hugs,


Peter Blaise peterblaise@yahoo.com Minolta Rokkor Alpha DiMage Photographer http://www.peterblaisephotography.com/

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I think that the 'founders' of photo.net are naive in thinking that these forums will be something someone will want to 'Google' for information about a particular subject a few years down the road. The only one who would do that is Peter, as everyone else just asks their question and hopes for an answer. No one has time (or are just too lazy) to do research. Just look at how often the same question is asked, over and over. The forums are not knowledge for the ages, but a helpful community.


I agree that they should start a 'wiki' if they want a data base that someone with a question can access to find an answer. Or, they should form an 'Ask the Expert' section where only 'qualified, expert' people can answer a question. A Wizard of OZ kind of thing.


I think a moderator should just make sure things don't get out of hand, and not try to limit discussion, even if it is O/T. One person's question is another person's O/T.

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