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Local Focus Areas on Maxxum 5


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I recently upgraded from a Maxxum 7000 to a Maxxum 5, and I'm having a little

trouble adjusting to the newer autofocus system (wide focus area/local focus

areas, spot focusing). With the 7000, I would just focus on my subject in the

middle, then recompose (yes, I did read here that that is a bad thing to do,

but for the purposes of this discussion, let's ignore that) and take the shot.

With the 5, I often find that the local focus area that is automatically

chosen by the camera is the wrong one, and I end up having to use the 'spot

focus' button just to get the focus right (I should add that I've turned eye

start off, and press halfway to focus). Obviously, I find this a bit annoying,

so I starting looking for ways to make it so that the only local focus area in

use is the spot focus area. In the manual, it appears that custom function 9,

setting 2, accomplishes this (p.71). However, I noticed that when I press the

program reset button, it returns to the wide focus area where in the manual it

says that pressing the program reset should not affect custom functions

(p.115). So, am I reading the manual incorrectly, or is this a glitch with the

camera? Also, is there an easier way for me to go about using the AF on this

camera other than using the custom function? It could be that I'm just not

getting something here.....



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My system is as follows:

Set Custom Function 9 to setting 3, Turn the main fnction dial (upper left) to PASM, press AF button (upper right on back) and view display in viewfinder, should show single center spot focus and stay that way as long as you dont press AF button again. Pressing AF will allow return to multiple spot focussing. The setting should remain as long as you dont press AF. Using the AF button you can toggle between single-center and multiple spot modes.


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one thing you could try is to just pay more attension to the positioning of the AF sensors. i found that there was a period where the selection seemed pretty random but after a while you get used to how the camera works and where you shold be positioning the sensors [only minor adjustment]. if not, just try the custom function option that george stated.
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I have tried setting three on function 9, but the same problem occurs as with setting two (i.e. Pressing the program reset button effectively resets the custom function to its default, one - try it) This is in direct contradiction to the manual which says that program resets do not affect custom functions. My main question was, is this a 'bug' or is it me? I'm starting to think it's the former and not the latter. My secondary question was if there was an easier way to master AF other than using custom function 9, but apparently there doesn't seem to be, other than getting to know my camera a bit better through extended use. Sigh. Honestly, I do see the usefulness of having different local focus areas, but why do they have to be the default setting instead of something the user can activate if they need it? I kind of think it makes lifer harder than it needs to be, but that's just me.
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Why do you need to keep using the Program Reset button? I never use it. I cancel individual settings when needed, which isn't very often. I almost never use Program mode. However, that said, if you have Custom 9 on setting 3 and you press the Program Reset button, you just have to press AF again to go back to single-center focus. Not much of a problem.


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I never actually tried pressing the spot AF button after pressing program reset, I just assumed that you had to go and reset the custom function all over again....my bad. So I guess I'll leave it on three for now....thanks. As for using program reset, well, I tend to shoot mostly in aperture priority or shutter priority, but if a scene changes I always just press on program reset and take a few shots that way. Then, when I have a second or two, I input new settings. I guess I'm just paranoid that if I take the time to input new settings before taking the shot I might miss something.

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