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Minolta adaptors


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Yes, it's called the Minolta XD-series or XE-series or X-300/500/700-series CAMERA ... why do you ask? Got a sterling Minolta lens you just HAVE to use? ;-)


Really, fully automatic Minolta cameras for that lens are as cheap as you might imagine a custom non-atomatic adapter to be.


Unless you're using Tamron Adaptall lenses and need to remove the Minolta adapter and install a Canon adapter, no?


Tell us more.




Love and hugs,


Peter Blaise peterblaise@yahoo.com Minolta Photographer (sold the AE-1!) http://www.peterblaisephotography.com/


PS - We REALLY have to work on our subject lines!

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Bear in mind that you would pay quite a bit for an adapter, and that you would lose the meter coupling (so you would have to resort to stop down metering).


You really would be better off going to the site-that-shall-not-be-named and hunting for a XG, SRT, or X-series for that lens.

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Jack, you have to spend some money to get a result here, and the adapter (if there is such a thing) is probably the least good way to go. Consider either a new (used) Minolta camera body for your lens, or a new (used) Canon FD-fit zoom for your AE-1. Either is going to be better and probably cheaper than the adapter.
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I don't think Minolta made an 80-205mm SR/MC/MD/X-600-mount lens, so you've got soemthing from someone else there. If it's an old Tamron or Soligor or Vivitar lens, it MIGHT already have a lens-mount adapter, can you check that out? Otherwise, just like a true Minolta-brand lens, it makes sense to replace the dead camera to use the lens, and replacement cameras are rather inexpensive. I, however, find my time and photography more valuable, so I'd probably get the camera fixed so it lasts another 20 years before needing another maintenance, even if it doubles my investment in the camera.


Let us know more about the lens and what you do.




Love and hugs,


Peter Blaise peterblaise@yahoo.com Minolta Rokkor Alpha and DiMage Photographer http://www.peterblaisephotography.com/


PS - you can sell ANYTHING on eBay, including "dead" gear, but maybe you ccan tell us what's so dead about the Minolta XG-1 camera? Does it need batteries or what?

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